PTR 3 Patch Notes

Updated May 17, 2024

We’ve deployed our final iteration of the 1.36.2 PTR. We’re aiming for early June as our target date for this patch to go live. At this time, we are limiting further changes to only number value changes or full reverts (if necessary).

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback from around the world!

Added / Modified Changes

  • Searing Arrows mana cost change reverted (5 back to 8)

  • Force of nature mana cost increased from 85 to 95

  • Tranquility cooldown reduced from 120 seconds to 100 seconds

  • Fan of Knives Target changed from 5/6/7 to 6/6/6 (max damage 375/750/1330 to 420/780/1200)

  • Fan of Knives damage changed from 75/125/190 to 70/130/200

  • Wisp HP increased from 120 to 130

  • Nature’s Blessing lumber cost reduced from 200 to 150

  • Haunted Goldmine build time reduced from 110 to 105

  • Curse can no longer target mechanical units again (reverted)

  • Wand of Negation now has a 5-second cooldown

  • Wand of Negation now requires Temple of the Damned

  • Ghoul Frenzy Damage reduction reverted back to 35%

  • Ghoul Frenzy movement speed bonus reduced from 80 to 50

  • Ghoul Frenzy research time reduced from 60 to 50 seconds

  • Frost Attack duration on Heroes increased from 3 to 4 seconds

  • Abomination base damage increased from 32 to 34

  • Tauren changes reverted (back to tier 3 and have reduced build time)

  • Tauren move speed increased from 270 to 290

  • Serpent Ward Base Damage reduced from 47 to 45

  • Wind Rider (Wyverns) XP level reduced from 4 to 3

  • Goblin Zeppelin food cost increased from 0 to 1

  • Sundering Blades lumber cost reduced from 175 to 150

  • Rifleman HP increased from 535 to 545

  • Dragonhawk Rider base damage increased from 17 to 19

  • Flame Strike channel time reduced from 0.9 to 0.8 seconds

  • Control Magic mana per Summoned Hitpoint reduced from 45 to 35

  • Demolsher movement speed increased from 220 to 240

  • Glaive Thrower movement speed increased from 220 to 240


  • Circlet of Nobility cost increased from 175 to 250

  • Glove of Haste attack speed reduced from 20% to 17.5% (15%)


  • Mana Burn value reduced from 100 to 50

  • Force of Nature summons reduced from 3 to 2

  • Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 175 to 100

  • Pulverized (Sea Giant) reduced from 40/20 to 30/15

  • Cripple reduced from 60/10 to 20/10

  • Cripple cost reduced from 175 to 125 mana

  • Centaur Archer armor type changed from heavy to medium

  • Centaur Impaler armor type changed from heavy to medium (HP increased from 350 to 400)

  • Centaur Sorcerer armor type changed from heavy to medium

Master Changelog


  • Polymorph can now target Heroes (1.5 second duration)

  • Arcane Tower hero feedback reduced from 16 to 14

  • Knights and Sundering Blades no longer require Lumber Mill to build

  • Sundering Blades now requires an upgrade again

  • Sundering Blades upgrade cost increased from 100/100 to 100/150

  • Flame Strike channel time reduced from 0.9 to 0.8 seconds

  • Control Magic mana per Summoned Hitpoint reduced from 45 to 35

  • Rifleman HP increased from 535 to 545

  • Dragonhawk Rider base damage increased from 17 to 19


  • Troll Headhunter base damage reduced from 22 to 21 (Berserkers base damage remains 22)

  • Healing Wards mana cost reduced from 200 to 150

  • Tauren move speed increased from 270 to 290

  • Seperent Ward Base Damage reduced from 47 to 45

  • Wind Rider (Wyverns) XP level reduced from 4 to 3

  • Demolsher movement speed increased from 220 to 240

Night Elf

  • Searing Arrow damaged changed to 10/24/40 to 12/24/48 (10/20/30)

  • Starfall duration duration reduced from 45 to 30

  • Starfall damage increased from 50 to 60 per wave

  • Tranquility cooldown reduced from 120 seconds to 100 seconds

  • Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 100 to 95

  • Vorpal Blades research time reduced from 60 to 45 seconds

  • Moon Well Regeneration increased from 1.35 to 1.45

  • Well Spring regeneration mana bonus reduced from 125 to 100

  • Fan of Knives Target changed from 5/6/7 to 6/6/6 (max damage 375/750/1330 to 420/780/1200)

  • Fan of Knives damage changed from 75/125/190 to 70/130/200

  • Wisp HP increased from 120 to 130

  • Nature Blessing lumber cost reduced from 200 to 150

  • Glavie thrower movement speed increased from 220 to 240


  • Haunted Goldmine build time reduced from 110 to 105

  • Nerubian Tower Damage type changed from Normal to Piercing

  • Ghoul Frenzy research time increased from 45 to 50 seconds

  • Ghoul Frenzy movement speed bonus reduced from 80 to 50

  • Curse Duration reduced from 120/60 to 60/30

  • Cripple can now target mechanical units

  • Scroll of Healing removed from the Tomb of Relics

  • Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (2 Charges, 150 Gold, 5 second cooldown - Available at tier 2 - Requires Temple of the Damned)

  • Meat Wagon speed increased from 220 to 240

  • Frost Nova slow duration reduced from 4/6/8 to 4/5/6 (units only - heroes remain unchanged)

  • Cryptlord Impale mana cost reduced from 100 to 90

  • Death and Decay mana cost reduced from 250 to 200

  • Web upgrade cost reduced from 150/150 to 100/100

  • Boneyard cost reduced from 175/200 to 150/200

  • Frost Wyrm Freezing Breath lumber cost reduced from 275 to 225

  • Frost Breath duration on Heroes increased from 3 to 4 seconds

  • Abomination base damage increased from 32 to 34


  • Firelord Volcano building damage factor reduced from 3 to 2

  • Firelord Soulburn damage reduction increased from -50% to -75%

  • Firelord Soulburn hero duration increased from 7/8/9 to 8/9/10

  • Naga Sea Witch Tornado speed base and Min Speed increase from 75 to 150

  • Naga Mana Shield activation cost reduced from 25 to 10

  • Goblin Zeppelin food cost increased from 0 to 1


  • Ankh of Reincarnation delay reduced from 7 to 5 seconds

  • Glove of Haste attack speed increased from 15% to 20%

  • Circlet of Nobility cost increased from 175 to 250


  • Sleep no longer targets heroes

  • Sleep duration reduced from 10 to 8

  • Sleep cooldown increased from 6 to 10 seconds

  • Sleep cost reduced from 125 to 100

  • Dark Troll High Priest now has Abolish Magic

  • Enforcer and Bandit Lord no longer have Shadow Meld and will sleep at night

  • Rogue Wizard can now sleep

  • Enforcer HP increased from 500 to 600

  • Rune of Speed duration reduced from 60 to 20 seconds

  • Infernal Contraption move speed increased from 180 to 200

  • Infernal Juggernaut move speed increased from 180 to 200

  • Infernal Machine move speed increased from 180 to 200

  • Mana Burn value reduced from 100 to 50

  • Force of Nature summons reduced from 3 to 2

  • Force of Nature mana cost reduced from 175 to 100

  • Pulverized (Sea Giant) reduced from 40/20 to 30/15

  • Cripple reduced from 60/10 to 20/10

  • Cripple cost reduced from 175 to 125 mana

  • Centaur Archer armor type changed from heavy to medium

  • Centaur Impaler armor type changed from heavy to medium (HP increased from 350 to 400)

  • Centaur Sorcerer armor type changed from heavy to medium


  • Fixed an issue where ping was displaying incorrectly in the custom game list

polymorph can target heroes lol, just lol. you posted April 1st patch 2 weeks late huh?


I though 1st of April was 2 weeks ago?


Please, add it so that, Kodo Beast can eat the hero


So orc has all units available on tier 2? I’m no balance expert but this feels dumb in terms of game identity and comparing to other races.


Very glad to see patch like that!

Most important balance problems will be solved. On top of that we will see more diverse strategies. Can’t wait for that. Hope to see this patch as soon as possible!!!

Thanks to Blizzard and all the people who make suggestions (Remodemo, Neo, Grubby, RazerMoon and others)!!


Oh boy, that polymorph. Dem Tauren.
Here are my suggestions for what it is worth.

• Shadow Hunter Heal Wave 1st target is now set as threshold for the heal wave ability. Meaning heal wave is not casted if the (first) targeted friendly unit dies at the same time of casting. Instead, the heal wave command is cancelled.
• Shaman Bloodlust attack rate nerfed from 40% to 35%
• Shaman Bloodlust mana cost increased from 35 to 55 mana
• Orb of Lighting can now be manually triggered once every 60 seconds.
• Reinforced Defences lumber cost reduced from 175 to 150 lumber.
• Reinforced Defences research time increased from 60 to 70 seconds.
Note: burrows are a weak spot for orc. Getting both the needed buildings and upgrades is lumber intense. By making reinforcements cheaper on the lumber cost, but increasing research time, Orc players may better utilize downtime of their lumber mill for upgrades in times of scarcity.

• Footman defend ability now renders the footman immune to special physical ranged abilities, such as venom spears, poison spears and orb of corruption. Footman defend ability no longer reflects such special abilities towards the attacker.
Note: defend as very high potential and especially wind riders and dryads suffer under its reflect ability. This is now removed, making defend a bit less effective against such units. However, the footmen longevity is increased against aggressive undead players that rush tier 3 with orb, giving the human a little bit more breathing space to transit out of footmen.
• Staff of sanctuary can no longer target mechanical units.
Note: this is explicit to prevent steam engines from being staffed and auto-healed
• Blood Mage siphon mana channel range now equals casting range.
Note: siphon mana could be casted from a shorter range than it could channel. Meaning that if a targeted enemy unit would initiate more distance, siphon would still channel. Considering the low mana cost for siphon mana, this ability currently is too much of “zero regret” to cast.
• Resurrection now prioritizes units based on unit level when they are resurrected, with higher unit levels being the first to be revived.
• Holy Light range reduced from 800 to 650
Note: holy light is quite cost effective, and if its casts, it hits. Making it both quite the spam for friendly units, but undead units alike. By reducing the range adds more of a positional awareness for the HU player to oppressively spam holy light.
• Archmage starting hit points increased from 450 to 485.
• Archmage HP increase per level decreased from 50 to 45.

• Dread Lord sleep ability now provides only a 0.1 second invulnerability status. This still interrupts all attack commands on sleep-affected unit, but the sleep-affected unit may now more easily be auto-attacked by friendly units to be awakened.
• Crypt Lord impale ability now renders affected units immune from auto attacks when tossed in the air.
Note: currently auto attacks pending on units still affect damage to units that are being impaled, causing somewhat too substantial stun and damage combination from this ability
• Acolytes now have 4 HP regeneration when mining gold, but only 2 when elsewhere on blight
Note: acolytes have received a buff to both HP and movement speed. Resulting in them being very successful fleeing units. With a tad lower HP regen when on the run, they are less secured, but can recover more quickly after a survived escape.
• Banshee Master Training (Possession) reduced from 75s to 65s.
• Animate dead now prioritizes units based on unit level when they are reanimated, with higher unit levels being the first to be revived.

Night elf
• Warden Fan of Knives ability can now hit units that are outside of vision.
Note: currently Fan of Knives can’t hit units that are not in the field of vision of the Warden player. Meaning it may miss units that are obscured due to corners despite being in close proximity to the warden
• Chimaera’s can now hit air, but without area of effect.
• Chimaera’s now have a toggle once corrosive breath is researched, allowing the user to chose which type of attack the chimaera uses.
• Huntress Sentinels now last 4 minutes instead of permanent.
• Faerie Dragon Phase Shift ability now longer halts unit movement.
Note: phase shift now auto-triggers upon hit, causing the unit to vanish and re-appear shortly thereafter. However, as the unit no longer moves this may actually result in the Faerie to lag behind and become an easy target thereafter
• Priestess of the Moon Scout Owl ability now gains additional movement speed per additional level.
• Staff of preservation gold cost increased from 325 to 375.
• Warden Blink ability now triggers instantly. Warden currently can die while blinking.
• Priestess of the Moon Starfall ultimate will now continue 1.5 seconds after the PotM has stopped channelling, allowing for 1 more wave.
• Force of Nature may now be casted upon trees that are not in direct field of vision
• Force of Nature will now always spawn the amount of ents fitting to the force of nature level, regardless of how many trees were selected for the cast.

Neutral & Creeps
• Pitlord Cleave now does diminishing damage the further a target is away.
• Pitlord Cleave now visually shows via animation which units are struck by his cleave-auto attack.
• Various creeps, such as fulborg shaman, now have cooldown on their abilities.
Note: some creeps have no cooldown on their abilities. Allowing them to purge or rejuvenate various target in rapid succession.
• Ankh of reincarnation delay reduced from 7 to 4 seconds.
• Goblin Sappers now deal 100% of their damage to their primary building target, and 80% to non-primary building targets.
• Goblin Shredder gathering speed decreased by 15%
Note: currently the Shredder is a 1 purchase to end all lumber issues for once and for all. Although the Shredder should remain effective, it shouldn’t be that effective.

Other & all
• Creep AI set to legacy standard
Note: Creep AI has changed in reforged. Causing a myriad of minor changes to how creeps behave. For example: some creeps may now have improved AI which used to be exclusive to level 6 (or up) creeps, creeps may now summon minions when the camp is attacked rather than the summoning creep itself. Creep currently iterate more often through their logic, causing them to change target more often. Additionally, more status (such as statue-casting abilities) now makes them a priority to creeps.
• Repair status no longer is global
Note: creeps prioritize building or repairing workers above all. Causing a worker that is set to repair to be target. This is used (or abused) by players to lengthily pull creeps from their opponent. Limiting the repair range will prevent his unintended behaviour.
• Pathing calculations set to legacy standard
Reforged calculates pathing for units differently than legacy, causing them to have more trouble to find routes where larger blockades occur (such as largely walled off basis) and have more issue navigating in unit-clustered area’s.
• Creeps with auto cast abilities no longer cast their ability unless provoked
Note: sometimes creep may cast slow or web on an unit passing by, despite that unit has no hostile intent towards said creep (or creep camp)
• Creeps mana starting pool set to legacy standard
Note: in legacy creeps did not start with a full mana pool, but instead started with part of their mana. Meaning that creeping a camp early might be rewarding due to creeps being unable to utilize their full mana pool
• Item selection priority set to legacy standard
Note: as per reforged items are no longer a priority in selections, making it incredibly difficult to pick up items when units are on top of them.
• Enemy units selection priority set to legacy standard
Note: when playing in team games one could “click through” allied units to target enemy units. As per reforged targeting enemy units may now be obstructed by allied (shared) units.
• Creeps to always return to original position
Note: as per reforged creeps that have been triggered may not always return to original position, causing them to interfere in later stages with rallied units.
• Creeps always to return to sleep at night time
Note: as per reforged creeps sometimes do not return to sleep at night time after being awoken, which may cause interference to later bypassing units. Especially at fountains.
• Unit occlusion set to legacy standard
Note: although it remains eerie what exactly has changed, as per reforged performing specific micro actions has become notably more difficult, such as pin-pointing smaller units (ghouls, footmen, critter), performing surrounds, sometimes clicking specific trees. This should be restored to legacy.
• Unit invisibility transparency set to legacy standard
Note: in reforged the transparency for invisible units is less so, making it more difficult to identify which units are and are not invisible, especially when affected by sorceress invisibility ability.
• Allied units that are not shared, still provide tavern access
• EU server no longer placed high or fully EU set-ups on non-EU server
• Servers now select based on average ping between players. E.g. two player will now aim to have 120 ping, rather than one to have 20 and the other 250.
• Server now has tolerance for those with non-perfect internet.


Why taurens on T2, on T1 it will be better.


Taurens need to be at tier 1. Would be better.


Thank you for the patch, everything fresh and new is good. Taurens is the worst units in this game actually ( seen in 0% of progames)

1 Like

Very glad to see a patch like this!


Careful now. They may not know you are a HU player and will take your reaction as genuine gratitude.

  • Priestess of the Moon Searing Arrows mana cost reduced from 8 to 5
  • Priestess of the Moon Searing Arrows damage increased from 10/20/30 to 10/25/40

Look I’m totally up for making PotM less trash, but its still a very very boring hero. Is it possible to get some new ability on them rather than tweaking the numbers for this.

The other options available are just far more engaging and open up much more for the NE. The numbers would have to be overwhelming just to force the PotM into the meta; balancing games like that has never worked for you in the past, it just leads to unenjoyable gameplay.

  • Sundering Blades now requires an upgrade again

Still kind of a problem with HU ultimate lategame being unmatchable being ignored here

  • Wand of Negation added to the Tomb of Relics (Available at tier 2)

Pretty concerned about how this will play vs AM, FS, FL, keeper (CL too in the mirror?). Will these heroes get utterly forced out of the meta vs UD? Limiting choice a lot. UD has been balanced around late access to dispel for a while its a big change.

Also isn’t the icon the same as rod of necromancy?

Still thank you for making new patches!

1 Like

That moment when you sh!t yourself by missing 1st April deadline. xDD

Now I need a Chimera on T2. Bad unit, can’t attak air. Ask streamers, they’ll confirm.


Hey thanks for the patch.
Could you plz try doing something for the undead Dreadlord hero?

Perhaps shifting some power from the Unholy Aura into the Vampiric Aura, such as the health regeneration part?
Right now the Death Knight has all the good stuff and Dreadlord is just retired…


Thank you for the patch! I know it’s not a lot of people, but please look into MacOS menu framerates


Some of those changes are too heavy handed.

  • MGs buff is too big of a deal. We already have MGs meta a couple years ago. It was super unfun to play for anyone. 6 food for nearly unkillable unit is not enough.
  • Taurens on T2 is not a solution to see them in 1v1. It will also leave Orc without any unit on T3. Taurens will remain bad until you give them a Resistant Skin upgrade. For 20 years they haven’t been used in 1v1. Please have courage to finally give them this upgrade that has been requested for very long time.
  • Polymorph is basically a lvl 1 hex. WAY too strong.

Meanwhile Witch Doctors and Demolishers are still nowhere to be seen in 1v1 scene


Cool and creative changes! Love to explore them , thanks for keeping the patches up and ignore the nay sayers :wink:


Jesus christ its like i woke up one day to pure idiocrasy timeline…

t2 tauren have no place in game as others need t3 units to counter them, while orcs t2 is enough to counter any t3 anyway.
Stop taking balance advices from clueless streamers who are no different than random bnet player having a bad day on ladder and crying about everything that won them…

Take notes from actual current pros top of the elo ranking of tournaments not bnet players…

UD item wand of negation is insane, kotg is already bad enough and fallen out of meta this would kill it and any summon hero completely.

nightelf is negative win rate all mus on w3c and worst in tournament results these buff are not enough to make a shift,restore previous moonwells before braindead streamer balance manipulation, buff underused ne units like hipoarchers,glaives and kotg aura and treants are some of worst in game need a massive change or redesign.

bm illusions need nerf are the most broken spell in game with low cd low mana and huge dmg soak and scout potential that can spam despite enemy dispels.

Sneaks are too good against nightelf and driads should be able to dispel them as orc has headhunter,demolisher,raiders,windrider endless counters to driads while sneaks add 20supply for cheap mana.

Nightvision back on t1.
Hu rifles reduce stats already overused and overperforming in all mu.


Excuse me, is that all what you can provide for NE, to balance all things? Are you serious?! I have a feeling Kaivax, that you’re not playing/watching game and makes so weird balance changes.
PotM can’t handle NE v UD matchup even with these “buffs”. For NE needs global rebalance, because some MUs like NE v UD is broken on high level with huge advantage for UD. And most costs of buildings are the same as it was on release of TFT. And now you wanna make curses/cripples on mechanical units, omg. MG’s ok, -1 req food, but isn’t that still expensive unit, which usually makes on t3, instead of t2?

And how we suppose to kill those, while playing as NE? With what, if Orc goes fast t2? Just archers? Or arch/dryads? Mass huntresses /w PotM? Or force NE to go Talons at tier 2 which dies completely against Taurens. It’s a complete joke overall, don’t do it pls.

Why UD needs it? Are they don’t have dispels? If needs to dispel anything, they’re gonna play with Destroyers, instead of that weird item from RoC.

Overall, I don’t see anything, what can makes NE feel better against potential fast t2 Taurens, and against ghoul frenzy rush on t3. 5 less AS for Ghoul’s upgrade not gonna help so much against that. Extends time of researching, might be good idea.

In addition, I was suggested for another charge for Moonstone in Ancient of Wonders in previous patch. Now I’m asking that again. Give us at least some compensation and/or opportunity to play w/o being felt with empty Moon Wells. Or just revert regen, which was nerfed in previous patch, and make it slower with t3 upgrade (Well of Eternity), at least would be a small brief for NEs. Nerfing that was a terrible mistake, which is ruined NE’s W/L ratio a lot against other races. (“Thanks”, Grubby.)
I hope you still have a mind to not doing that again. Still, needs big changes for NE overall. Like archer buffs for beginning of the game, because if you make a small mistake and gives archers to enemy, you lose a pace. While for example Orc can play BM and not losing tempo to harass/creeping /w grunts, and now you guys even giving an opportunity to make Tauren rush. I think you guys needs rewatch what NE are really can do right now and makes maybe not big, but buffs, which can makes NE a bit brief in the game. Like look about costs of buildings for NE, maybe faster t2, maybe something else, like rebalance of NE units to fight back against other races.
Thank you in advance.