1.32.2 now I cant load any campaign save files

Windows 10, Reforged only (no classic)

I’m currently on Blood Elves, but none of my save files will load. I tried autosaves, I tried older saves, I’ve tried rebooting.

Anyone else having this issue?

Also just noticed that even though I do not own Classic WC3, the graphical option has now been enabled (which was previously gray and did not work). Upon changing the graphics to classic, it seems the entire campaign is reset and thusly are exclusive to their specific game (original versus reforged). Switching back to reforged unlocks all the missions I had, but I still can not load any previous saves.

Not sure if allowing me to have the classic campaign, which is exclusive, somehow messed with my original save files, but figured I would mention it.


Yeah my campaign saves are broke. I mean, yeah it’s not the end of the world to restart the mission…but I didn’t want to. :confused:

This is expected. Happens to SC2 as well with every update. Save and replay files are not compatible between versions.

Restart the mission form the beginning. Yes it is annoying but the missions are pretty sort anyway so not too much time lost.


Same problem, unable to load saved games. Wtf…

Major feature just not working… I mean not being able to save or load in 2020…

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If this applies to saves made as of 1.32.2 this is then a bug. Please report it as such.

Old saves from 1.32.1 are sort of expected to not load. This is fairly common for RTS games.


Breaking people’s save files for a minor update isn’t actually ideal.

How many other singleplayer games does this happen to?


So, restarted mission, but heroes have no items that were accumulated during previous missions…

Why can’t they just make it so after you clear a campaign mission you can choose the next mission or any previous mission at your leisure through a menu interface? Is there any point to breaking our progress every single update when they could do this instead?

So I’m on the last Sylvana’s mission on hard mode in TFT, last night I was about to take down the purple base after destroying the orange and green bases, which wasn’t easy and very tiem consuming…but had to save to finish it today…

Forced patch, save game broken…

Saves should not break every time there is a patch. I actually gave reforged some credit but this is ridiculous…


This can easily mean 24+ hours of progress in the bonus campaign with Rexxar. This is beyond stupid from blizzard.

They already have their money, so I doubt they care to fix it.


Yes sadly. However there is nothing they can really do about it. Either a game is deigned for old version compatibility or not and Warcraft III like many RTS games is not.

There is a cost to keeping compatibility with previous versions. It bloats the loading routines by having to keep all logic from every version and write adapters when the logic changes. This slows loading speed as well as makes code maintenance a nightmare. Look at Simutrans, an open source video game, to see the cost from a programming perspective. With ever version the routines just keep on growing in length.

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Sorry, you are not selling me this is normal or acceptable. It’s an utter fail. And even if this is all unavoidable, a heads-up would be the least they can do. Or a choice if you want to update. I only play the campaign. Well, played…

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I have exactly the same issue. Save files from 1.32.1 cannot be load in 1.32.2. I says something about the map, not being compatible, or something similar…

Hey folks,

Like the first patch, the second patch invalidated all the game saves. The inability to load them isn’t a bug, but instead was part of whatever the patch changed.

It may not happen every patch. Bliz has mentioned sporadically that if changes are mad to the map files, then the game saves can be invalidated. With all the in-game dropping, performance issues and lobby freezes, there’s likely going to be frequent map file changes in the beginning. They even completely removed some of the maps while they work on them.

Don’t quote me out of context please. You aren’t addressing what I said when you do.

How I quoted you, context or not, it would not have mattered. I misunderstood you. You posted about progress loss in a thread about game save loss, so I must have assumed that’s what you were talking about.

As for mission selection, if I’m understanding you, what you are asking for already exists. Any mission that’s been completed, and the next one in line, can be selected.

As far as loosing progress, the first patch wasn’t supposed to, but it did for some anyway. So they weren’t expecting to it to happen, meaning they are not trying to break it with every update.