1.31.0 Patch Notes

Quit whining. Crit can be balanced in better ways if it is still needed. Reverting was a good change.

I really hate orc, but I am happy with -2 agi and WW nerf for now.

After a crit, it should have a 3 or even 4 seconds cooldown but anyway,
please nerf huntress by 25-50 HP and/or make there glaives hit only one target on T1, T2 moon glaives upgrade for two targets, and T3 moon glaives level 2 upgrade for three targets.

Cant Play the game i love, i hate this patch… from 2005 playing this game, enjoy this game… fells like i fell a member of my family…


This is a tragedy indeed, i’m willing to beg for Blizzard to fix this issue.

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I think NE actually got buffed. Bears got more damage, so they’re more viable, and DH and Panda got buffed so NE have more options outside of Keeper and Alchemist. Keeper and Alchemist got nerfed, but they’re still really strong. This messes with the meta, because before you were almost certain the NE would go Keeper. Now you have to be careful going Paladin or Mountain King because if the NE goes DH… yeeesh.

-1 intelligence and -1 damage on treants? The problem with the Keeper is that he controls the early and mid game against all races until there’s dispel. Human, Orc, and UD have to play reactionary. Everything they do is a reaction to what the NE is doing (Getting creepjacked, cancelling the expansion). All agency is stripped from the player. And the reason is Keeper just has so much mana, and can cast so many spells. The Keeper can run out of his main, spend all his mana, and return once its night and completely refill his mana. What does it matter if he took damage? It’s nighttime and the moonwells will fill up, so he can run right back out and come back when they’re full again before daytime. And, if it’s daytime, well…clarity potions! And Moonstones! And staff back to the main, then staff back to the army.

What other race has such options? UD don’t even have clarities! Orc do, and Human have the second best option with clarity and brilliance aura.

I don’t know what the exact solution is. In the back of my mind I think Entangle is too strong. It immobilizes the unit, does damage over time, and lasts forever? Hex lets you move and doesn’t do damage. Sleep is annoying, but you can wake the unit up by attacking it.

You can do a bunch of things like decrease entangle duration slightly or the duration of FoN so 12 treants don’t solo an orc expansion.

But from the outset I wonder what would happen if you made FoN cost more? Like 110? NE players should be more strategic with how they use their mana. And Tranquility needs a longer cooldown, like 15 seconds. Having that ultimate casted multiple times during a battle is ridiculous.

As for Alchemist, heal spray nerf isn’t a big deal.

Orc did well this patch.

Blademaster crit is fine. It’s simpler, and Orc severely need it against NE. The only race this really hurts is UD, but that’s because UD is weak. Not Orc’s fault. DH and Panda are better, but I think Orcs would rather face DH than Keeper, and DotT cost more.

UD got the short end of the stick, because Blademaster is even stronger, and, yeah, gargs got buffed, but so did DH and Panda, which counters gargs!

We won’t know how good the new Human Orb will be, because we will never see it. I think it was invented with the Human vs UD match-up in mind, but we almost never see that. TH and Infi play NE vs UD, and even Orc, and I don’t blame them. NE is still so strong. So there are your two best human players. And WFZ and Lucifer are struggling hard, so even less UD players in high-level play.

Human only really go Tier 3 vs UD and NE. The thing about NE, though, is there is no healing to really be cancelled. NE have: Moonwells, but that’s at their base. The Human would have to be attacking the main. Rejuvenation, but that’s normally casted outside of battle unless there’s a DH and you can just train a breaker to steal it and tank. And there’s Tranquility, but the NE will have to have a level six KOTG who is casting tranquility and the alchemist would have to be low.

So…a lot of stuff needs to happen.


I agree with pretty much everything.

I wish entangle was a lot weaker, but also cheaper and with a faster CD as it lvls up, so that it would be less of a waste of mana when dispelled - the enemy would need a lot more dispells to really make it useless.

First off, enabling an folder representation of custom maps vs MPQ is soooo nice, thank you guys for that. My repo just got a whole lot more useful thanks to you
Do you have any plans on extending this approach any further? I know that I would greatly appreciate script files also getting a similar representation – then I could easily develop my code using Notepad++, Eclipse, or whatever IDE of my choice

The latest patch seems to break the World Editor’s “DEBUG_MODE” function. This inlined constant now always has a value of false, even when it should have a value of true
DEBUG_MODE is the closest thing to a IDE-level configuration manager in WC3, and is very useful to me personally

After switching between the folder save structure and the mpq structure, my map has lost it’s imports and models don’t appear (but also don’t appear as the checkered missing cube), and terrain textures have reverted. Saving as mpq enabled all assets to work. This may be my misunderstanding, is the folder save structure purely for external sharing, and not to be used internal to WC3?

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Hello there, I am maybe a bit dumb to use computer, but after this patch i have notice the folders like “maps” or “campaigns” dissapeared, I was new in trying to create my own maps or playing custom campaings… as this folders don’t exist anymore. How do i have to do to can save a downloaded campaing or a map in warcraft to can play them…?

Plus I cannot operate in the world editor anymore… as it doesnt let me save any game as the folders are not there… and gives me always an error :confused:

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This patch broke the game.
Blizzard just doing what they do best, ruining their games, as usual.

Me and a friend were going to finally try and play this game again, we wanted to play through the game’s campaigns in co-op (thanks to dedicated fans who made them) and the day we were about to do it, you release this patch and now it’s unplayable.

Once again blizzard spits in my face while a bunch of unintelligent fanboys roar with excitement about how cool esports is on reforged.

Every patch they release on this game just continues to reaffirm my stand on never buying anything from Activision-Blizzard EVER again. I hope their company falls apart before they utterly destroy every game they ever made, at least then they might preserve some kind of legacy to the greatness they once had, instead of being remembered as the greedy, political agenda pushing, game destroying, anti-consumer, player hating company they have become now.


Just want to report a bug: I like to practice against the computer. Now the AI does not use Hero Points at all making those custom games useless.


Stop trying to micromanage balance changes, this was unasked for.
Leave what we have now alone and stop outsourcing your beta testing. You are driving many long time players - players who have been with this game for 17 years - away.
Never liked TFT.
Why the hell would you remove Reign of Chaos, and alienate all those players!?
Why can’t you just have a standalone Reforged client?
This is mickey mouse level idiocy, and confirms my worst fears about what Blizzard has become.


When i am in create game and i click on a certain map game crashes. I cant work on any map cuz of the strings bug , Alt tab most of the times crashes game too.Please fix those bugs so we can play the game as we did all those years before this patch

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I don’t know if its just me or is a issue for everyone but when i click this button in the editor: h ttps://i.imgur.com/uFQpKEX.png the game only send me to the main menu and doesn’t load anything.:frowning_face:
In the 1.29 or previous patch i don’t have any problem with the AI editor.

Please fix it quickly because i can’t make and test the AIs for my mods anymore and that takes away all my interest in playing this game again.

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Bug: When I possessed a peon and then started building an altar I immediately disconnected.




i feel you and totally agree with you 100% !! I cant event host my map with this new patch cuz every time i click on it game crashes … 10 days now and still nothing

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Few things which should be noted in the balance section (if are not already).

Unit Doomguard still have old Cripple spell.

Orc’s Spiked Barricades are devastating to low-health/high damage melee units such as Wolf Rider and Goblin Tinker’s Robo-Goblin form.

Technical Issues:
alt-tab windows function leading to WC3 crash and becoming non-responsive during “The Founding of Durotar” campaign


C’mon Mac gamers - let’s test it immediately…

Err… no - Maybe in the next patch.
When we will be able to log-in again.

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After I received the update I started to play the Night Elf Campaign (Eternity’s End) within Warcraft 3 Reign of Chaos. And at first everything was fine but when I started the second mission on the campaign (Daughters of the Moon) Tyrande no longer had the ability to carry items.

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FIX THAT CRAP PATCH! That patch ruined the World Editor completely… re-install doesn’t work… install as an Admin doesn’t work… It’s unbelievable to release so much crap at one patch… FAIL!!!