Why are there 2 forums for Starcraft Remastered forum?

IT is kind of getting on my nerv and probally on the nerves of many others, that everytime we want to go to the Forum, we must go through the old Forum of RM, why_____
All this fuss?

If you are a company that want to re-index some specific search in the google catalog you have to pay, so right now if you search “Starcraft remastered forums” you will go to the old one. Is of my experience that a page is “deprecated” on the google index about a year and a half after its been moved somewhere else… so probably June next year when you search Starcraft Remastered Forums the Google Algorithm would see that this is where the traffic is and not the old one.

Hope it helps.

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Starting at the Battlenet forum index, it leads right to the new forums:

I searched “Battlenet forums” which led me to…
…then to…

If you mean that you searched for SCR forums and got results for the old forums, that is Google’s doing.

It’s going to take awhile for the new forums to supplant the old ones.

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