Turn rates, matchmaking, and you

Honestly I think im done with your ladder. I live in California and almost any time of the day 9/10 games will be vs korea and im playing on tr12 or 14 at best. I will gladly wait in a longer que to actually be able to play this game. Tr 12 or 14 is not starcraft.

so many cry babies lmfao…

Anything above 10 TR is heaven.


Facts, so many crybabies in this thread… man up and play TR8 Extra high or move on to sc2.


Hi! I’m here to say that StarCraft Remastered needs the 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 ladder with the old maps that players were playing on them since the beginning


‘’‘man up’’ you have the brain of a trump supporter? there is nothing to ‘‘man up’’ to when playing on high latency the difference how the races deal with unresponsiveness to commands is another world when you consider terran vs protoss its just unfair advantage for the protoss player basically you cant do certain builds or rushes because the micro requirments for terran are much higher than the protoss…

This comment is aging well!

If only Bliz hadn’t abandoned it just over a year later.