Turn rates, matchmaking, and you

Would like to express my gratitude for all the guys working on SC Remastered. I really appreciate it.

Bonyth is a high tier foreigner player and I also would like to bridge the gap between Koreans and foreigners.

I understand a constant high latency with Koreans but I’ve played with them since Fish and Brain server. Most of the time there isn’t an issue unless someone’s internet is truly unreliable and unstable.

(Generally there isn’t an issue. TR 16 & TR 12 even TR 10 would be great for me. Anything better than old Bnet lat.)

Just some input from me I suppose.

Thanks again.

Hi Grant, I would just like to add that I would much rather play at a lower TR with low latency than high TR with high latency.

Having inputs make sense in the context of when I clicked with what is going on on-screen at the time of input makes more sense than playing with high latency where I pull the ling back that a zealot is hitting and it just dies due to the delay between input and resolution.

Side-note, I don’t think in-game players should be able to change latency (at least for ladder games), I think that’s too much power to give players and it’s hard to come to agreement with opponents what is an appropriate latency to use. I think that the DTR system works really well, and the manual player based latency adjustment is an antiquated system (which honestly just devolves into a war with the opponent going into the menu to change it back and forth). Also low and high latency favors different races, zerg CAN NOT go muta on extra high latency (or even high), protoss zealots are much hard to face with ling/hydra on high latencies too. I’ve seen opponents 2gate and then turn the latency to extra high for an edge in the rush. I don’t think the game should allow for a built-in lag switch.

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Just a comment on Bonyth’s 300+ms TR8 issue.

Does current matchmaker eliminates TR8 games altogether or it’s just low priority? If it does that I believe could be changed to low priority. TR8 games are better than no games, and Koreans can occasionally get a very laggy game. Because of higher population I believe it’s lower chance for a given player in Korea to get Bonyth all the time on ladder.

P.S. Don’t forget how we used to play with 56K modems and GPRS internet back in the day. :smiley:

whais the difference between starcraft brood war and remastered

Same game, but remaster added nice modern graphics, a modern 16:9 aspect ration, a ladder, key rebinding, and other new features.

It does not eliminate TR8 games, but it will prefer higher TR games if possible. That’s why it will be very difficult to match vs Korea at TR8 - Korea can pretty easily get TR16+ games, so it’s unusual for a player in Korea to be waiting long enough to accept a TR8 game.


I’m seriously disappointed with being matched with Africans while playing in East EU.

I don’t know if it’s me being drunk or after last small patch the game runs so smoothly, I’m talking menu, bnet game itself o.O
Thanks for constant work on this awesome game!:slight_smile:

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I’m having a bit of trouble understanding exactly how the TR affects the game and what it means. The way I understand it, a turn is not the same as a game tick or frame, but a variable time period where inputs from players are collected. Based on the TR, these turns are then processed and each input is applied to the game over a number of game ticks.
Is this correct? If so, what I really wanted to know was:

  1. How is the correct tick and order of action chosen, by timestamp?

  2. How is the actual delay in ticks between me sending an action and the game performing the action calculated?

This doesn’t make a lot of sense. Bonyth is the top foreign player, pretty much everybody watches his stream, and can confirm this: “I get TR14 low, TR20 high or TR24 extra high”. How is he a tr8 user if he can get that kind of connection with the vpn? This just means the ping server / procedure you use is not very reliable at all.

Thanks for the post. I often highly reduce it to explain to people in-game (with the limited chat system):

Lower latency setting: More responsiveness, more chance for stuttering
Higher turn rate setting: More responsiveness, more chance for stuttering

Far too many people are still in the mindset that every game must open up by setting Extra High Latency… as if we’re still in the dial-up days… and they call me a liar when I say that going to Low Latency will make the game a better experience!


I hate that Sato, you start a game turn rate is 20 everything is perfect and the bastard changes to Extra High Latency. I hate it, i dont see a solution for this i am afraid…

Glad to see you guys working on remastered, but for me I’m not sure how much longer I can play ladder. When I had TR 24 games it was manageable, even if at S rank I was playing the same 7-10 people on a regular basis. Now its almost unplayable, what used to be hours of laddering is now 3 games at TR 10 which to me honestly isn’t even starcraft. It’s kind of insane, I think this needs to be thought out a little better.

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Honestly I think im done with your ladder. I live in California and almost any time of the day 9/10 games will be vs korea and im playing on tr12 or 14 at best. I will gladly wait in a longer que to actually be able to play this game. Tr 12 or 14 is not starcraft.

so many cry babies lmfao…

Anything above 10 TR is heaven.


Facts, so many crybabies in this thread… man up and play TR8 Extra high or move on to sc2.


Hi! I’m here to say that StarCraft Remastered needs the 2v2, 3v3, and 4v4 ladder with the old maps that players were playing on them since the beginning


‘’‘man up’’ you have the brain of a trump supporter? there is nothing to ‘‘man up’’ to when playing on high latency the difference how the races deal with unresponsiveness to commands is another world when you consider terran vs protoss its just unfair advantage for the protoss player basically you cant do certain builds or rushes because the micro requirments for terran are much higher than the protoss…

This comment is aging well!