The Insurgent - Ep. 10: First Approach (map)

The Hudson Militia begins a pitched battle against the Protoss on their own planet, while Captain Dirichlet searches for the Field Generator. However, the Protoss already had a special defense in place.
On the other hand, Horner tries to convince Radner that it is possible to cooperate with the Zerg…

Download for English version will be available in (remove symbol ´ from links, this forum forces me to include it):

List of episodes:

Some Protoss buildings are warped via triggers. Send an SCV to the Zerg Beacon for a surprise. Let me know if you were able to beat the Protoss in the score screen.

Spanish version info will be posted in blog:


GJ as always sir !!!
I love Brood War custom campaigns and will never stop playing them ! Hope u keep making new ones

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Thank you :blush:.
Right now I’m working on a new custom campaign.

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