The deal is coming to save starcraft from depression

In order to celebrate the surving of humanity to covid-19 until now. The community asked for a whole-package deal for starcraft remastered owners. In order to bring some delight and warmth to the long serving starcraft players that couldnt get the preorder content, we bring to you a one time chance.


  • List item


This exclusive deal will have the carbot skin, the 3 legenderies commentator and the preorder skin.
It will be called:
** " survive and cash"**

Avaiable soon, stay tuned!!!

Your Starcraft Community.

1st. That name is insensitive to those who didnt survive and their families.

2nd. No way on the preorder skins. You cant give them to anyone who didnt preorder. They are only a reward for preordering the game and should stay that way.

As a guy who is against preorder only boni but still got it (wanted to support gaming history) from my opinion they can get them.