SC:R - New ladder season questions

Huge thanks for such a quick answer Mr. PezRadar!


Thank you PezRadar! Really appreciate the response.


Thanks for the information. I hope SCR hears from community managers a little more often along with SC2 and WC3R.


이거 근데 한글은 안쳐지는건가요???


can u add ASL12 map pool plz…


Few weeks = 24 million weeks

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Best choices:

1.Eclipse, 2.Neo Sylphid, 3.Ascension, 4.Lemon 5. Polypoid,6.Largo,7.Circuit breaker

New maps:Ascension, Lemon, Largo
Current maps: Eclipse, Polypoid
Old maps: Circuit breaker, Neo Sylphid.

2 player maps: Eclipse, Lemon.
3 player maps: Ascension, Neo Sylphid
4 player map: Circuit breaker, Polypoid, Largo.

Midnight (blue): Ascension
Green grass: Neo Sylphid
light brown dark metal: Eclipse, Largo,lemon
grey, white, black: Circuit breaker
green, light yellow/brown: polypoid

An problem i see are the spawning position, if they look the same or similar enought, you may not know which map it is. Specially if you are more casual… Just look at our current maps overmind cacoon map aka ringing bloom and shakuras temple, or right side benzene and eclipse, or even Polypoid left side and eclipse and Plasma left side and Benzene.

Eclipse left side and Largo(map) looks the same.

So after thinking about this i think we need to take this also into account.

Final solution:

2. Lemon
3.Neo Sylphid
5.Circuit breaker
6. Good night
7.Polypoid or bubbles

New maps:Ascension, Lemon, Good night
Current maps: Eclipse, (Polypoid) or Bubbles (similar layout)
Old maps: Circuit breaker, Neo Sylphid. Bubbles

2 player maps: Eclipse, Lemon.
3 player maps: Ascension, Neo Sylphid
4 player map: Circuit breaker, Polypoid or bubbles, Good night

Midnight (blue): Ascension
Green grass: Neo Sylphid
light brown dark metal: Eclipse,lemon
grey, white, black: Circuit breaker, Good night
green, light yellow/brown: polypoid
Dark brown, light brown: bubbles


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New ladder season maps:

There are many variables to consider, here is small choice that may help in that regard. I tried to find the right center between new maps at the pro scene, fun and stable maps, interesting maps and maps that are considered balanced, aswell as the maps of the old ladders including the last one. Of course this may a little bias in some regard and i may change my personal opinion about the choices, but i hope this helps someone that actually has some influence in the matter.

1.Eclipse, 2.Neo Sylphid, 3.Ascension, 4.Lemon 5. Polypoid,6.Largo,7.Circuit breaker

New maps:Ascension, Lemon, Largo
Current maps: Eclipse, Polypoid
Old maps: Circuit breaker, Neo Sylphid.

2 player maps: Eclipse, Lemon.
3 player maps: Ascension, Neo Sylphid
4 player map: Circuit breaker, Polypoid, Largo.

Midnight (blue): Ascension
Green grass: Neo Sylphid
light brown dark metal: Eclipse, Largo,lemon
grey, white, black: Circuit breaker
green, light yellow/brown: polypoid

An problem i see are the spawning position, if they look the same or similar enought, you may not know which map it is. Specially if you are more casual… Just look at our current maps overmind cacoon map aka ringing bloom and shakuras temple, or right side benzene and eclipse, or even Polypoid left side and eclipse and Plasma left side and Benzene.

Eclipse left side and Largo(map) looks the same.

So after thinking about this i think we need to take this also into account.

Final solution:

2. Lemon
3.Neo Sylphid
5.Circuit breaker
6. Good night
7.Polypoid or bubbles

New maps:Ascension, Lemon, Good night
Current maps: Eclipse, (Polypoid) or Bubbles (similar layout)
Old maps: Circuit breaker, Neo Sylphid. Bubbles

2 player maps: Eclipse, Lemon.
3 player maps: Ascension, Neo Sylphid
4 player map: Circuit breaker, Polypoid or bubbles, Good night

Midnight (blue): Ascension
Green grass: Neo Sylphid
light brown dark metal: Eclipse,lemon
grey, white, black: Circuit breaker, Good night
green, light yellow/brown: polypoid
Dark brown, light brown: bubbles


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just use ASL12 maps, do not bring back FS nor CB ty!


ASL12 MAPS PLZ most funny maps and balance ,i can’t be in ASL but i can play the maps :smiley:

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As optimistic and nice it sounds.This season is close to 8-9 months.Who knows if the upcoming season will be the last one in years.WIll you really like to play such maps with that in mind ?
I feel like something more conservative like:
Circuit Breaker
Polypoid or Fighting Spirit
New Heart Break Ridge

Makes more sense than just some random maps that being played in the actual ASL season and will not comeback in the next one.In a perfect world where they made each 4 months a new season i will not mind using the fresh ASL Map pool.But now is to risky and for 8 months the ladder mappool was terrible.


Match Point
Neo Sylphid
Fighting Spirit
Circuit Breaker

Please. Ladder season update. ㅠㅡㅠ


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Lets keep those client updates coming. The hackers are increasing!

there are no employes for sc remastered?

Unfortunately, ever since Team 1 (which included the original Classics Team) was dissolved back in late 2020, there’s been no indication that anyone is developing SCR.

So SC:R is now without support? What is going on :confused:
liquipedia net starcraft Maps Ladder_Maps
according to this, sc:r has 13th season.
But current season start 21/09/28 so its 275 days long for now.
And sc:r where relased 1781 days ago that’s mean average is 137 days :confused: It’s quite boring to play at the same 7 maps.

Since team was dissolved in back late 2020 we had launched 3 seasons. So someone is able to do this :frowning:

As a matter of fact this season is fine, i am troubled by the fact that so jerk in SC would leave us with Fighting Spirit for a year or maybe forever… no thanks. As a protoss player i love this ladder, the maps are perfect and wont allow terran to be free as life should be forever.

we need a new seasson