It would be great to have the requested information as soon as possible in order to have better seasons since bw is growing exponentially
we need new template consoles to buy in sc remaster in the new season plz
Please fellow Blizzard employees, answer the question on behalf of the StarCraft comunity. And please please please fix the observer bug.
Plz Blizzard we needing your answer
Could someone with any knowledge of what’s going with the ladder pool please provide any sort of clarification regarding the next ladder pool reset.
PLease Blizzard, answer this question. We Love starcraft.
plz give us a portrail of olipatrick in the new season
Blizzard please make a new season!
We loves sc!
Looking for clarification, big thanks if any mods/admin replies
New season please, but dont put FS or CB back, make it all ASL maps.
New season please, ASL maps
new season pls, we need reset ladder and new maps
New ASL map pool PLZ !
Whe are the horde you must hear us
Blizzard new ladder Go go go go !!
blizzard, please give us a ladder reset!
I concur with the previous respondents, a new season would be greatly appreciated!
Please Blizzard reply!!!
Even though I’m not active right now I enjoy watching this tournament so it would be great to reset ladder right before tournament starts
that’s a good question, BSL <3