Request for Macro Micro Team Melee 2v2 Shared maps

So i love playing Macro Micro maps, which are a modified UMS EDU type of maps where one player does all the Base/upgrading/worker (MACRO) responsibilities and the other player does the Attacking/spells/drops (MICRO ), there is even a third slot to invite a player to manage special units like templars or delfiers but is hardly ever used etc. AKA Macro/Micro, one player does the Macroing, the other does the Micro.

Anyone has more of this maps??.

i know a lof of players have old Python, Luna, Andromeda, Blue Storm, i also have them, but they are broken. The implementation of the idea is to old, for instance when you do the pylon expand the second played takes that pylon, so the game is broken.

i need to have the Macro Micro maps that are like the ones in the Mega link below (add the point after MEGA)

mega nz/folder/PskmCbjB#c_lWnl3QCM9tddjM8IrDCg

Also you can watch the map that i am looking for BENZE Macro MIcro played on Flash Stream.

(add point after www below)

www 생산과 컨트롤 리그! 이영호, 유영진 VS 김성현, 박성균 [이벤트&개인리그] - YouTube

IF someone has more of this Quality Macro Micro 2v2 shared map Team Melee UMS please… share them, they are INCREDIBLY hard to find specially because the people that use them are Koreans, i looked everywhere for them… cant find them.

Please HELP !!! finding this maps.

You might find it in UMS discord group.

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