RepMastered™: A replay database, sharing and analyzer site

Can you tell me more about this and show me some concrete examples what you would like to see? And how to calculate those “points”? Or are you referring win-loss record as points?

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Seriously the dedication of the broodwar fans always amazes me! Good job my dude, I honestly hope that Blizzard might help you with your project somehow

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Maybe an auto upload client side tool would encourage more replay input.


I can create an auto-uploader client if there’s popular demand, but since you can upload multiple replays or a complete folder recursively with a few clicks, I don’t feel this is very important at the moment.

I just uploaded 6000+ replays.
One replay was slightly bigger than 1MB (5h+ game), but it was uploaded successfully.

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Here’s the latest udate:

EAPM has arrived!

Finally EAPM has arrived and became a first-class citizen!

New EAPM and Redundancy columns on the Players tab of Game details.

Players page and Player profiles now also list players’ EAPM and Redundancy .

APM chart of Game details now has the option to draw EAPM chart too (it’s on by default, can be toggled).

Commands tab of Game details has a new column: Inefficiency Reason which shows for every commands if and why they are considered ineffective.

Added 3 new entries to the FAQ page about APM, EAPM and Redundancy.

There has been numerous minor updates.

These include adding Sessions to the Settings page, adding collapsible blocks, icons and more. You can read the details on the News page:

Yes, I saw that, thanks for the reps. Yes, the exact limit is a little over 1 MB on purpose, so replays being “around” 1 MB are still accepted.

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Is there an option to manually change the outcome of a game? Just played my first placement match on the BSL-10 account and it’s incorrectly tagged as a loss - game/4F8HKKSETOvmIRFS1JSVINT0LI3ZvuwEYIX5aWjccaU :slight_smile:

There is no 100% working algorithm to determine who win, all you can do is guessing based on 3 infos (sometimes these infos or parts of it doesn’t even exist):

  1. Who types gg/GG/etc… 1st
  2. Who leaves 1st
  3. The replay origin (who saved/uploaded this replay)

I’m using DakotaFannin’s Screp.exe to get these infos, and let the user decide by himself:

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I’ve seen a few errors before, just wanted to try and keep the BSL10 account nice and clean when it comes to stats :slight_smile: This was a weird ZvZ where we both rushed each other, but I managed to get a sunken in his base and eventually survived on one Extractor in mine. No gg from the opponent, I did write one, but that was when they were already eliminated.

That game marks you as the loser because you saved the replay and you left the game first (there are no Leave game commands recorded in it); normally the loser leaves first so the algorithm cannot do better than to mark you the loser.

There is no manual way to override the outcome, because that would give chance to abuse the system. I understand you want accurate stats, but this is limited by the fact that stats are calculated from replays (and replays do not store enough information). This is the error “margin”, if you upload more replays, stats will get more accurate.

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I wanted to see winrate for all 2v2(3x3, 4x4) race variants (like PZvTT, ZTvPT etc) for a particular map, but I don’t quite understand how to make it to show such stats. Is it possible?

Statistics (including winrate) for all matchups are not tracked on a per map basis, because there are a huge number of combinations of all the matchups, and most people are not interested in most of them.

So what’s currently gathered for every map is 1v1 matchups (there are only 6 of them) because this is the most important to most. Also race statistics including win ratio (regardless of the matchups).

There are 21 different 2v2 matchups, 55 for 3v3, and well over 100 for 4v4. Tracking all these for thousands of maps requires more computation and storage, yet most people are not interested in these. Not to mention there are non-balanced matchups such as PTvPTZ, and the number of these goes up to thousands.

If there is popular demand, I can add matchup statistics for 2v2 (or maybe even for 3v3) on a per map basis.

Can you calculate it on demand? Like not for every map you have, but when a user wants to see such info. I think people would like to have winrates for 2v2 at least. As for 3v3 (or 4v4) most of such games happen on Hunters (or BGH), so winrates for these maps are also nice to have.

Just for a note: there is BGH autobalance mmr bot, and the person responsible for it provided race winrates, you can see them on this page: These winrates are not detailed about every possible matchup, but just for every race combinations, like total PPP winrate or total TTZ.

OK, I’ve added 2v2, 3v3 and 4v4 matchup stats to all maps. Enjoy :slight_smile:

Thanks! Though there is a lack of column sorting ability. Another thing I wonder: how is that even possible to have 4v4 stats on a maps like Fighting Spirit ?

You can list the games to see what kind of games are those. You will see that those are UMS games, likely some kind of obs mode.

I wonder how this Bo filter algorithm in BWChart existed 11 years ago, but still missing in or any other offline replay analyser :thinking: