Ranked Matchmaking is Broken

The worst come that those newbies get decanted for SC2 at the end. But thats another big thread…

Can make one or give me the link for it. That would interesst me.

Happened to me too one time i played against someone with 600 more MMR than me lol

There should be ranked limit for 1 character per 1 account. It was obvious since the beginning that people soon will start to smurf when they have the ability to have more than one character with the ability of holding the main character and removing the extra characters and creating a fresh new ones.


Why are they not legit opponents? I would change that mindset tbh.
Every opponent is legit unless that person cheats in my eyes.

“Smurfing” has always been a thing in BW. Back in the days you could make as many accounts as you wanted even. Also there was no way to find out, if a person was actually smurfing or not. That is different now, since we do have battletags, but that does not mean it has been different before. It is part of the BW culture being able to create a new account at your whim. In respect of 20+ years of BW I think this should be respected.

Despite the above mentioned, why does it automatically mean I am smurfing when I am using another account with a lower MMR? I am using an account to play 1 base strategies against Zerg, also I am practicing 2 gateing Protoss, which I never do usually, and try out new builds in general. My MMR with that account is just as good as I am with those builds and strategies.
If I couldn’t do that anymore, I would dump the MMR of my main account and again people would complain about smurfing.

Also I do not get why people care so much about their MMR. Sure, it is nice to look at when it is high, and it would be a little bit higher perhaps. Great and what does that do for you?

I would rather have a few unbalanced games here and there, but at least I am not in a bubble of hyperbalanced matches, where you only ever see how you should not play and incorporate that into your style of play keeping your forever in ELO hell.

In respect of 20+ years of BW, this situation should be changed.

If you are practicing another builds so why you go ranked? Otherwise is at your own risk!

If you think like that you lost totally the whole point of ranked games. Go normal games where anything goes then.


I agree too. The slavery in acient Rome and in the Southern states in the US whas a tradition too. That does not make it automatical okay. Okay is that in Rome there are legitimate ways to escape slavery and that there whas an ethical code of how you should use house slaves. It whas part of an unwritten law that the house slave whas going to be released 10-20 years after being part of your family and help him starting his own life with a for example pottery.


It is the logical consequence that I am going to lose MMR when I play strategies and builds that I do not know very well. Don’t you rather have fair matches when I am using those at my appropriate MMR level rather than dumping it - as a logical result - from my main acc?

No, it does not. But are you really comparing slavery to having an alternate account in Starcraft?
You know, slavery actually has an important impact on peoples life’s; contrary to the situation we are discussing. Otherwise you can surely argue what the comparable ethical and moral issues are.

Who are you to decide how people are supposed to practice? … You have no right to do so and you should not. That is pretty rude.

It’s true. That’s why I’ve stopped playing multiplayer.


Suddenlife: they were just pointing out the fault in your logic. :wink: (if you don’t see that then I think we should stop the discussion now :slight_smile: )

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And I am just pointing out the fault in theirs :slight_smile:

And if you can’t see that, then there is really no point in further discussing this with you.

What Fault? We showed just your Fault that another Account for training is not something that is a must have. Until you are sure with your build or have no problem loosing MMR you should just stay to AI, private games and unranked. And it is not smurfing if you go with your high mmr account trying out other race or build because you just get better rated as you are while smurfing is getting rated worse then you are.

I agree, it is not a necessity to have another account for training - but still it is nice to have that option when your practice partners are not available or want to practice something to surprise them. I play probably 75% custom games. Perhaps even more.

Another thing is that your practice partners are going to stick to a certain repertoire that is familiar to those persons, so you tend to play within a bubble that is about to burst when you hit the ladder. So you might pull off the builds you have wanted to practice against them, but only against their repertoire. Playing ladder is just a test against the whole spectrum of the playing field. The enemies you encounter on the ladder show you your weaknesses that you should be fixing in custom games.
At a certain level, if you suddenly start playing weird builds, you will just lose and not learn anything until you have lost like 200MMR. What a waste of time (and imbalanced games when I decide to play my normal strategies again!)

So is it a necessity? No, Starcraft can be played without it. Is it a great addition to my normal practice? Yes, and I would not want to miss it.

Besides why should I not play with a lower ranked account, if the strategies I am using just are at that level of MMR? Having an alternate account makes for a better experience for everybody.

SuDDenLife, seems like you have very specific reasons for smurfing. But I don’t believe that all those brand new accounts which I am paired in 20-40% cases every day have some special training reasons behind them. No, people just abuse the system because they can.

And since I have no idea what kind of opponent I am playing (1000 MMR? 2000 MMR?) I do not find those games interesting or useful. I have limited time to play and I would prefer not to waste that time on a bunch of trash accounts which will be deleted by their owners within hours.

To play stronger opps or not - that’s your personal decision. Being quite experienced chess player I know that playing outside some ELO range compared to your own is neither interesting nor useful. The whole point of MMR system is to provide some reasonable balanced pairings so people can actually enjoy their games. Abusive smurfing destroys it.


I understand the reasoning behind having a secondary account.

It sounds very much like you want to get paired with a less-experienced player to give you a chance to practise… but you still have the experience of a better player. If your opponent does something unexpected and puts you on the back foot, you have the experience and know-how to adapt your strategy, perhaps even switching back to your well-established strategy, and beat them anyway.

It sounds like your motives are good, and if you really can stick to only using the new strategies, perhaps it’ll be ok. However, you would be the exception, not the rule: most people would have a secondary account so they can smash less-experienced opponents, taking a thrill from the power they have over them (a pretty disturbing character trait, if you ask me). Incredible self-control would be needed to avoid using the greater knowledge and experience every so often, in order to beat the lesser players.

I get why you would want a secondary account, but for trying new things, perhaps Ranked Matchmaking isn’t the place to do it.


I fully agree with it. I wish this would be done.