Prefer port 6112

Dear Blizzard,

Please clarify the meaning of the option “Prefer port 6112”.
What exactly do this option ?

Image here i.imgur. com/YFTEt7Y.jpg (delete the space)

That means old (BW) network connection. [need Port Fowarding]
Currently SC:R uses STUN server technology.

Patch 1.21.2

  • In our continual effort towards improving network latency we have implemented STUN NAT 2 support. This should drastically decrease the amount of people being proxied, so most players will no longer need to tinker with their router settings to forward port 6112.

In my opinion you want to do this if you’re router has upnp enabled. See my previous posts, I believe there is a bug with this new method of routing blizzard has setup!

I suffered serious lag in all games until disabling upnp and port forwarding 6112TCP+UDP the old fashioned way!

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My 6112 ports UDP and TCP opened. And I confirmed this port is used by Starcraft via wireshark from my side during the game.
Neither UPNP-ON nor UPNP-OFF do not affect the game lags. Lags were terrible before, and terrible after. Moreover, there are no any UPNP activity in my router logs (if on).
Also I don’t understand why if I’m hosting a custom game (remember, my port open), my opponent from time to time connected via proxy (in wireshark 37.244.54.X for example this is proxy server). He must be connected directly to me, because my port OPEN. I don’t understand anything how the hell this game works.

If ‘Prefer Port 6112’ are activated on each other, it seems that users who enter the game will be able to directly connect it.

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It’s frustrating that blizzard appear silent on the issue and sadly I’m no expert past what can’t be learnt on Google!

It seems like you have been quite thorough. The only other thing that comes to mind which is quite popular here in Australia is CG-NAT. Even with port forwarding enabled, if either you or your opponent is behind a CG-NAT the game may detect one of you unconnectable and force the game to route via proxy. The only fix for this is to remove the CG-NAT either by talking to your ISP, changing ISPs or using a VPN which will permit port forwarding of 6112.


VPN worked for me.
I tried everything else:

  • Port forwarding / virtual server on 6112-6119
  • Port triggering on 6112-6119
  • DMZ on my specific local IP
  • Disabling UPnP
  • Turning off firewall, virus protection, both on my computer as well as in router settings
  • Running SC as admin, running with compatiblity
  • Using my neighbor’s wifi (who has the same ISP)

So basically, my ISP is a douche or there is some other setting in the router. (I don’t have this issue with any other game.)