Post was hidden?

My post about the replay issue was hidden because it was considered spam. I’m not exactly sure how it could be considered spam because I’m simply bringing up an issue that hasn’t been fixed and I don’t know if my posts are being seen by anyone who can actually help with the issue. Yes, I’ve posted about it numerous times, but I’m hardly posting often enough to be spamming. Could I get an explanation as to what about that post was spam, or what violation(if any) actually occurred? It didn’t seem to me as though I was violating any rules when I made the post.

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Frequency isn’t the only factor. Quantity is as well.

I can’t speak for the community but looking at your posting history, you’ve mainly repeated the same thing over and over for many months. You even reposted about it already today. That may be what the community is seeing as spam.

No one is answering though, I’m just trying to get response. What else should I do? Also I was told by the developers to make new posts and refrain from commenting on older ones. I’m not posting every day so I didn’t think that would be aproblem.

The discussion forums are at their foundation a repository for the community to discuss ideas, suggestions, feedback, concerns, etc for the developers to look over. However, they’re not an official contact point with Bliz, thus blue responses are never guaranteed.

I understand that, but that was precisely why I’ve made multiple posts. Granted, I would’ve posted more often, but I was well aware if I just posted constantly, that would obviously be spam and would get me banned. I did make an effort to avoid spamming. I know that they aren’t on the forums constantly and I’d like the issue to be brought to their attention. As far as I know, this is my best option if I want any chance of the replay issue getting resolved. I understand that I’ve posted about this on occasion for months, but the issue that I’m posting about has existed for about year now. If there’s a better way to bring this to their attention, then I’m more than willing to try whatever that may be, because at the end of the day, I just want this issue resolved.

Don’t let the frequency of blue posts determine how much time they spend on the forums. Like I said above, the forums are primarily for community discussion, not contacting Bliz, so they are still reading to keep up with issues and concerns, they are just not publicly responding. With how much you have posted on the replay issue over the past months, it’s a safe bet they’ve seen it!

Fair enough. My only problem then is that I have no way of knowing whether they’re currently looking into the issue at all if I don’t hear from them. I get that they are probably working on a lot of other issues as well since there’s been many reports related to the latest patch and the one before it, but it would’ve been really nice to just get an update of some kind from them. If nothing else, it just lets me know that they’re aware of the issue and then there’s no need for me to keep on posting about it.

That does make it frustrating. On our side, it seems like there’s no rhyme or reason to what they choose to communicate and what they don’t, and not just here with SCR but across all the games.

I hear you! I’ve been known to be critical of their (all of Bliz) communication style over the years.


Being real. Thanks for the info too.

I wish the team developing this game was just like 3 or 4 people bigger.

Wish I was a millionaire. Would literally pay blizzard to develop and improve the game. Dang