One step to perfection: the cinematics

Don’t get me wrong: I LOVE the work done in StarCraft Remastered. the effort to give visual continuity with SC2 is quite remarkable, and I love the artistic drawings visible in the narrative screens. however there is only one thing that ruins this fantastic experience: the too much qualitative difference of the cinematics. disturb too much the immersion in the entire lore.

SC Classic vs SC Remastered

after WarCraft 3 Reforged I lost much of the estimate in Blizzard on their particular to the vision of a single cinematic redone for advertising purposes of Blizzcon 2018 rather than for the entire final version. but today I saw this video:

it is perfection at the highest level, and I congratulate the team that took care of it. but it also makes me rather disappointed about the extreme qualitative difference with SC R. If the graphic value of D2 R will be recognized by the videogame communities, would there be any possibility of receiving at least one upgrade to the cinematic of SC R? I think it would be the ultimate perfection.

why not finish the perfect work? I know maybe SC doesn’t seem to be Blizzard’s priority, but think about how much love it could show to put a hand back on this detail.we do not expect the quality of d2 (extremely realistic) but certainly something more suited to SC2 or to how the characters are shown in the game portraits of the remastered gameplay.