On an edge of uninstalling

I’m new to SC1/BW (and no, didn’t play SC2 at all). I’m a bit of above 20 years old, so I obviously missed the highlights of 2000’s. Still, it’s a fun game, and I managed to climb up to C league within 1 year, 1650 elo atm.

However, it’s getting impossible to play. For the past 3 days I’m getting matched up with A and S rank players. I get it that it lacks players, but this broken matchmaking will lack furthermore thanks to such innovations. How is this fun to play someone 500-600 elo higher? I’d personally rather wait in a queue for 1 hour.

I contacted support and they replied with the generic: “you’ll eventually be placed in the right league suitable of your skill and be matched with similar players”. Then why the hell am I fighting people outside of my league?

I also enjoy quite a lot playing against people from Peru or Venezuela who lag with their marxist soviet internet 1kb/1hour

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This is an discussion that whas there since start of Remaster. Low Matching times with good matching but mayby bad connection vs short loading with good connection but different elo. What I recently found out is that there are either more new players in Remaster or they improved the matching because I won yesterday for the first time since release.

I just uninstalled, goodbye. And good luck to your community.


I understand where you are coming from, i am going to give it to you straight and i hope this goes through, the gaming industry is changing rapidly and i and somehow of a Guru and Fortune Teller in this regard, so stick with me on this one ok?. The point i want to make to you is that Starcraft Remastered will have a come back in the next 4 or 5 years, this will happen when industries understand that competitive gaming and E-Sport its a business that can escalate profit for many people.

What i am trying to say in here and straight to the point is that: I advice to NOT STOP PLAYING, if you want to leave it for a few months thats ok, when you come back your brained in a new “wired way” will have had an evolution and you will play better, but stay away from the idea of “leaving Starcraft Remastered” this game has still a LOT to offer to the world and you can have a central spot at it if you hold on for one or 2 more years (Until you get the enough leve to call yourself an A or S player).

The come back for this game will come with a new version that will probably run on Cloud, the future of gaming is Arcade Cloud Gaming, just like in the 70s or the 80s people went to an arcade and payed a quarter to play a game, in a very similar way, Blizzard and other companies will offer cross-browser-platform services that wil make old game come back: “Kids will play and rediscover Space Invaders as much as DOOM and Starcraft Broodwar”. This is the BEST RTS OF ALL TIME, the amount of people playing this will grow to levels never seen before and that “new community” will request for things like: “Better AI”, “Better Netcode”, “Better modding tools” etc.

So that, think about that, do you want to be the guy that says “I havent played this game for 5 years?”, or you want to be the guy that says “I have been playing this game for 7 years now i am one of the best A players, top 300 right now”.

Always think about the future.

I don’t mind the game, as I don’t think it has balance issues or any issues at all except the matchmaking.

I’d rather get matched with S rank every game than wait more than 2 minutes in queue. It is fun, it’s an oppurtunity to see how stupidly bad you are compared to real players. And now you wanna leave the game because all your time investments resulted in C rank and you still get destroyed on ladder.

Well there is only so much absurdity you can take before you reach the quitting point. I got regular said that you should climb up to arround C or D for getting a real good pool of people that are arround your lvl. Not many people really have the Anime like endurence to keep steadily walking forth despite how futile it seems to be.

On one hand, we can’t have hours long waits for a close match up. And yet on the other hand, we can’t have instant queues that allow any two players to match. Meaning, it’s simply not possible to satisfy everyone. A perfect example right from within your own thread:

So the line must be drawn somewhere in between. And unfortunately, where to draw it is not so straight forward. Bliz has to strike the best middle ground they can: a balance between the wait time and creating match ups. For example, a balance between what you want and what BRuǂQuaD wants.

And as you pointed out, player population heavily influences where the middle ground falls. You chose to play to a 20+ year old game. It’s natural for a game this old to have evolved a loyal, consistent but limited player base.


I assume you do not work for Blizzard so I will give you some leeway here, but this is all just a very short-sighted excuse.

Merely adding an option to choose if you prefer more MMR accuracy or better latency would solve the problem you present.

Even if that were not possible because of some unfairness in this option, you are still wrong. I get matched all the time with incredibly laggy players knowing full well there are other people searching for games at the same MMR as me at the same time, on my own friends list even.

An under 10 seconds game search where the game turns out to be TR 8 extra high is not good for anyone. The game could just measure the turn rate (as done when the game is started) BEFORE confirming the game and if it’s too high, look for someone else.

I don’t.

Could it be done differently, of course, but simply describing how the system currently works (which is all I was addressing here) isn’t an ‘excuse’.

Over the years, either the community has discovered or Bliz has revealed tidbits into the MM system’s inner workings There’s undoubtedly still quite a bit that is not publicly known; however, there’s quite a bit that is. So be careful when declaring who is right or wrong. What is known is there any many variables to juggle. Examples include, when you join the queue relative to when others join, whether or not a proxy server is required, what your latencies are to the potential proxies/players, the order the queue is parsed and how eliminations are made, etc, etc. In other words, it’s not as simplistic as you may think.

Which is self evident, thus the system is coded to take latency into account when finding matches. Remember, it’s a small player player pool. The system does try to prefer low latency matches, but it has to in addition to all the other variables it’s trying to juggle. Unless you want to wait for extended periods of time, you’re going to get the best match the algorithm can find in a reasonable time period.

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You’re making excuses and being dismissive. You’re offended that I said you are wrong, but I’ve been a programmer for over 20 years and when you say to me that things are complicated I just think you don’t know what you’re talking about. Adding an input for latency/accuracy preference is not hard. Moving the check for TR to before the game starts might be more complicated but it should have been done from the start with any kind of foresight. Using chrome instances as backend for UI in an AAA game title is merely another indicator that this is a low priority project for Blizzard and the cheapest solution was prefered.

There are tens of thousands of koreans playing at any time, and I have TR20 connection with most of them, there is no reason I should ever match in a TR8 extra high game during peak hours, let alone 4-5 times in a row as it happens often.

Not in the slightest. What I did was point out that you don’t know enough to make such a claim. You may be a programmer, LGSabbat, but you’re not for Bliz’s MM system.

And again, simply stating how any system works without judgement or opinion or criticism is not ‘making excuses’. If one asks why the sky is blue, responding that blue light scatters more than the other visible wavelengths isn’t making excuses.

I never spoke on how the system could have been, or how it should be, or whether it should change, or how hard it is to change, or if Bliz cares, or even if an option to control who you match with is viable or not. All of that you side tracked/fabricated to support some position that wasn’t relevant to what I said.

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You seem to be missing the context of what the thread is about, good luck

This thread is about someone getting poor matches and asking why. I jumped in to explain how the MM system works.

Everything else has been your own fabrication, which now seems to include what you think the thread is about.

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Leviathan destroying some noobs in the forum comments wars, at least the old game lists have disappeared for the moment. But i wonder if the community still got the energy and love to come back to the game…

By the way iam a human does that make me an expert in human interactions …XDD

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