Most basic help

now that starcraft is free for amazon prime. There will be lots of new users. But the tutorial has NO instructions. I made the first structure but there are no instructions on making the next structure (ore depot iirc) and there is nothing that you can click on.

The majority is done through the buttons in the bottom right of the screen (the “command card”).

Selecting buildings and units will populate the command card with all the functions that building/unit can do. You can mouse over them to read what the button do.

For example, for constructing buildings, select a worker. The bottom row of the command card will have 2 buttons that when clicked will display what buildings can be constructed. Choose what you want to build, then use the mouse to select a placement in the game.

Just about everything follows that schema.

Back in the day when all games came on physical media, they often came with manuals as well. Unfortunately, in the digital age, that’s much less common. Luckily, most of the time, old manuals can be found on the internet.

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If you are new to the game, it is recommended you go through the tutorial on the single player mode. It teaches you each of the race and that has always how it has been.

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