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The curse

Once upon a time, not long from now, the devil came to mama Blizzard… :sleeping_bed::

:smiling_imp:: Blizzy, you want some cash?
:woman:: Yes ofc, I can’t live without it.
:smiling_imp:: Ok, listen to me, kill your eldest son (SC1.16)
:woman:: What!!! no.
:smiling_imp:: I was just trying to help.
:woman:: Wait, I just can’t, people’ll call me a murderer, any other way?
:smiling_imp:: Let me think… :thinking:
Can you prevent him from playing with your baby (SCR)?
:woman:: Yes
:smiling_imp:: Can you make a new replay format that your old son won’t understand, but your baby will?
:woman:: Yes I can
:smiling_imp:: Can you lock him in his own room, never talk to him, never update him, never take him with you to any public league KSL/ASL, or even let any one take him to any league.
:woman:: No problem.
:smiling_imp:: OK Blizzy, here is the cash, but there’ll be a curse, you agree?
:woman:: Sure, I don’t believe in curses, give me the money!

4 years later… :date:

:woman:: SC1.16, sorry son, forgive please :sob:.

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Same here. Why do you try to “fix” something that is not broken???
I can’t really play right now.

Greetings Cerebrates ,Commanders, and Executors,

Unpaid intern here, I have accidentally pasted some Diablo code upon the existing starcraft remastered code, and this has led to some tiny critical errors that have made the game a bit dysfunctional. I know, my bad.

If you are one of those who experience issues with the game, try launching it with full admin privileges or change the compatibility mode. If this doesn’t work, just keep uninstalling and re-installing it. It will launch eventually.
If you still cant launch the game, then clearly it is a hardware issue. You need to upgrade your PC unfortunately. Use the game’s system requirements and recommended PC specs as a guide that can be found within

Anyways, this issue will be fixed once the heatwave leaves us, which I predict around one month from today. Its too hot and I cant think straight enough to work right now.
I will notify the janitor to keep an eye to this forum and reply to your messages whenever he is on his launch break.

Have a very nice summer!

  1. Found my old unfinished UMS RPG I thought was long gone from a old cpu hard drive in storage - :+1:
  2. Cant find my old BW disc, so I buy remastered - :+1:
  3. Find and re-download SCMDRAFT 2, it opens, and my map loads! - :+1:
  4. Put more hours into it - :+1:
  5. Starcraft autoupdates while I’m at work - :nauseated_face:
  6. SCMDRAFT 2 no longer opens - :face_vomiting: :-1:

EDIT Changed my region to Asia in the blizzard app, SC updated quickly and SCMDRAFT 2 opens again. The update was just to remind everyone that Asia>America


incompetent staff

Whats the hiring like? " hey were you dropped on your head as a kid?",

" yes ",

“did you drop out of middle school?”


“and how lond have you been studying programing”

“6 days”

“perfect, you’re hired”

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If only I was not on the verge of another relapse.

There once was this girl I had a crush on since I was a kid. Her name was Susie Kim, and I kid you not she was Korean. But during this time, Starcraft Broodwar had captivated my mind from allowing myself to ever ask her out.

So I guess in my days of deep regrets, my conscience won’t stop escaping as the hole keeps gaping.