Ctrl+Q, Q = Surrender

If you’re going to implement hotkeys, then please make it at least optional to remove this surrender keyboard shortcut. I have mapped my hotkeys to QWE, so now once in a while I just surrender the game.

Obvious problem, easy fix.



i avoid rebinding to Q right now because of this problem when spamming on keyboard its a mistake than can happen easily please make a workaround blizzard.

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That is why I dont have patrol on Q, but on W.

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I have patrol on Q and this has literally never happened to me. I also use alt + q, q to leave games.

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Quick hotkey for surrender is bad for your mental state anyway. Better to remove it and surrender with just mouse while breathing and taking it slow. :smiley:

Bullshiit, you are just spamming … If you want to play this game, spamming without head with no control you deserve it …

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I will put on practice this! That will save me time when ragequiting from a lost game :+1:

hahahaaha alt + q, q is the best hotkey

I find this thread amusing as ALT + Q, Q and ALT + X,X has been in the game since SC Original back in start and everyone starts complaining about it some 21 years later…


Maybe I’m just not pro enough, but in my 20+ years of playing this game, I have never once surrendered by accident. I didn’t even know this was a hotkey until I read this thread…! :open_mouth:

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So they just want to “QQ”. This shouldn’t be changed.

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Agree on this, please add an option to disable this hotkey
(I have to admit it happend to me in the past to quit a game this way as I use many abilities hotkeys with Q)

Acquire better finger control so this don’t happen to you. I avoid this entirely by using standard hotkeys. But I agree they should probably allow for one to customize the menu hotkeys.

Some people use the alt hotkey to center on control groups, or the first Corsair in the group, etc. I would be annoyed, if I pressed alt + number to center on my Mutalisks and then pressed q to patrol micro and ended up leaving the game on accident because I still had alt pressed… That is why I have patrol on “w”.