Broodwar unable to set dragscroll speed

So on the old forums there was a post created by a user named SilentSword

In that post he mentioned that Starcraft Remastered didn’t include an option to set the Drag scroll speed sensitivity. Its where you pan around the map while holding down the middle mouse button. He felt, much like I did, that its sensitivity was way too high to be usable. No dev had responded or added any input on the matter.

I came into the thread on May 8 2018 and made this post…

I also wanted to see if there was a way to set the dragscroll speed for Remastered. One that is separate from Mouse Sensitivity and Mouse Scroll Speed. I’d like to have dragscroll speed to be less than the Mouse Sensitivity. I googled and came to this thread. Looks like its currently not a feature or an option. But I’m bumping this old thread because I’d like to see such an option added in.

Now if an option to dragscroll will never be added, I’d like to get an official say so from a dev and I’ll gladly put the matter to rest and be on my merry way. Otherwise I’ll probably just keep bumping this until I do get an official dev response, or get the option added in, or get banned for bumping. Which ever comes first I suppose.

So i did as promised and tried returning every month to bump the thread in the hopes of a Dev replying. It never happened in the old forum so I guess I’ll just continue this bumping trend here on the new forums again, hoping this feature gets added in or an official say so from a Dev explaining why it will never be added in.

So consider this the first bump…


So, I guess Blizzs haven’t done anything regarding this problem, have they?

Oh, so it’s not a MacOS bug, but a BW bug.

I’d like to bump. I’m very used to the drag sensitivity settings I have in SC2. This force of habit makes SC:R unplayable for me.

These kinds of features should be easy to develop. It’s hard to understand why we don’t have them already. Inverse drag scroll option is also missing which is important to some of us.