Anywhere to report Maphack?

Now there are some players that do not even try to hide the fact that they are maphackers. Watching the replay over, I confirmed that my opponent player didn’t have any vision in my base and yet his probe went through his own zealots and my lings after building a cannon. And he did that twice.

Is this on ladder?, or are you playing Customer games in User Map Settings?. Because in UMS anyone can do whatever they want, arguably also on on Melee, Top Vs Bottom etc…those are not the real ladder. So if that is the case nothing you can really do and there is no need to.

If worker behavior in SC1 is the same as SC2, then what you saw is not a hack. As long as a worker is rallied to a resource, it can pass through other units because harvesting workers do not have a spatial hitbox.

So in this case, after building the cannon, the probe was imediately ordered to harvest, which allowed it to pass through other units. It’s a unique characteristic of workers to prevent them from impeding each other at the mineral line/geysers.

It was 100% maphack. His probe was in his base building cannon. Then suddenly went through his zealots blocking and through my lings. He did the same thing about 3minutes late. The whole time, he did not have any vision of minerals outside his base.

My bad. This was supposed to be a reply to Leviathan.

It was ladder my friend.

UMS, Melee, Top vs Bottom. Or are you talking about RANK you have not answered.

Ladder. I am well aware of things ppl can do in UMS.

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Send a detailed(replay file) e-mail to

It won’t matter where the minetals are. From what you described, the probe built a cannon and then was ordered back to harvesting. If a worker is ordered to harvest, it can pass through other units.

That’s if worker mechanics in SC1 are the same as SC2. It’s been so long that I can’t remember. I suspect they do because it’s what prevents workers from clumping up.
When i get home tonight, I’ll test it.

I was able to test it and indeed, it’s a normal mechanic for workers in SC1

Move command goes around units.
Harvest command goes through units.
A queued Harvest command will also go through units.

See this video for a demonstration.

Thanks for the testing but this is a different situation. In order to do what your video shows, you have to have a vision of the minerals outside your base. This guy didn’t and yet his probe went through his zealots. This guy also did the same thing 3 minutes later and again, he did not have any vision outside his base.

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maybe post a link to the replay, so we can watch that too

You don’t. The test shows that the minerals at one’s starting location (one’s base) works. In fact, it works on any mineral patch/geyser anywhere on the map.

This. It will be helpful to see exactly what they were doing.

Okay, I guess I did a poor job explaining. The map was Polypoid and the opponent player’s main was at 5 and he had fast expoed. He built a forge and a gateway with two zealots standing in between to deter lings from entering his exp (and therefore his main as well). The only vision of minerals he had was those at his main base and at exp (both 5 o’clock). In order for him to use harvest command to move through units to go outside, he needs to have at least a slight vision of minerals outside his base, and he didn’t.

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Oh, I see. Yeah that does sound suspicious.

Look like the shift stack exploit for hovering workers, it is indeed cheating, not map cheating but forbidden dark magic for sure.

The technique you mention works when you are trying to go through enemy units blocking their own ramp, typically early in the game. The technique involves forcefully relocating the units you are trying to pass. Here, there was no such thing. His probe smoothly moved through his and my units.

No you can “force” the same technique in a way i am NOT willing to explain in here in detail, you have to press shift and right click until the “stack” of the hovering is filled then in the very last click point to the direction and it would hover anyways. Some people knows about it, based on your description i think that is what you experience, is completely considered cheating, if someone would do that in a tournament he will automatically lose the game and get disqualified for future versions (depending the rules). I have not seen someone do that in ladder for more than a year. Sorry you had to go through that.

I don’t understand this. So you shift+click on the ground 8 times and, on the 9th time, you click outside your base and your probe would move through the units?