ZvT help against BIO!

I feel like I am fighting such an uphill battle against terran, what am I doing wrong against bio? Help!!! Ask me with an email for replays.

I am diamond 2, but am probably less in ZVT

You can post a replay here.
–> upload to
and post the link like I did with _drop.sc

By email? What email? Better to post the replay here than give out personal info

Hey I know it’s a little late for a reply but you ought to go to sc2 spawning tool and look up railgan’s (6200 mmr eu GM player) 3 roach zvt macro build. Essentially it’s a 3 roach pressure into 2 base tech (spire) and standard macro play with lots of roach/rav/ling/bane (Most games go into this generally speaking at least as long as you don’t scout anything funky) and eventually fast hive tech. It’s meant to box the terran in and make it where they overreact and do damage to themselves or under react and take tons of damage. It also opens up essentially every tech path Zerg has instantly and allows you take any path you want based on scouting as well as keeps your opponent thinking you’re all in when you are 100% playing for the late game. If you do it correctly it quite literally blind counters any pressure Terran puts on you as well and gives you pretty much constantly free scouting info. You have to be a little careful with some of the 2 base bio/tank timings but otherwise a monkey can hold virtually everything with it. Practice correctly though as it has quite a few nuances to the build that must be done right or it won’t work as well as it should. I would even say practice against an AI till the initial 6-7 minutes is perfect. No shame in playing the A.I. To make sure your build order is clean and crisp! I’m a masters 2 zerg and had a 20% win rate vs Terran. When I finally started doing this build my ZvT became a 70% win rate with most of my losses being complete throws as I’m so far ahead. Hopefully this helps dude!


thanks for the freelo homie