Zergzes! Microbial Shroud Needs Buff?

Zergzes! Anyone else feel like Microbial Shroud needs a small buff? and or should be stackable. 2x = 50% + 50% of remaining = 75% Or is it already like that?

I can’t tell you how much I miss infested terrans. I think the game would be so much more worth playing / fun playing as a Zerg if they brough Infested Terrans back TOO! and just made them really weak vs ground and slightly weaker vs air units. :-S

PS. The nydus cooldown is really high but overall I think the patch was really good for balancing.

Yes, as a non zerg i can tell you that
On the other hand zergs are doing fine with vipers and curroptors against libs
Pvz also hsc showed zerg can deal with sky toss with just vipers, so not sure about even needing this ability
Maybe it could make ultralisk play stronger for zvt, but the question is, does zerg really need that?


Everyone agrees shroud needs a buff and Adepts Glaive change was a disaster


Mocrobial should cost 75 Energy, and last 15 seconds, or have it’s area of effect expanded.


Don¡t forget the Observer nerf.
They want us not to rush Observers, because it is an insta-win unit, but they cannot stop us all!


Blizzard and the game designers, people whom talk strategy etc, mostly all agree to counter air versus air - but it should not be the strategically only way to do so, should it? Is it? What do you think?

Sentry’s are ridiculous. Archons are OP. I wish all my units had shields. >_> #SlightPout

Maybe the radius should be slightly reduced and the damage reduction should be increased. But they should still bring Infested Terrans back >_>

No, there is no balancing ITs until they are good, but not too good.

Microbial is where the game should go, a much better ability that synergizes with your army, instead of sprouting a free army.

50% damage reduction is a lot, the issue is that it does not cover enough units, or does not last very long.

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Your units would be twice as expensive, if they had shields, and they would not be able to regenerate HP.
Protoss units are designed around having shileds, which is why they are immediately counterd by EMP, to a level that is too brutal and efficient to just spam EMP into any engagement with Protoss.

You would regret having shielded units, the very moment you would face Terran.

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Say what you want, but Zerg only has one ground unit that attacks air. I understand the mantra of Zerg is to build numbers and run around like Zergzes - but for the people that actually play the race, it may become slightly mundane.

I totally agree with you, the Microbial Shroud is where it should go. I am literally begging ‘you/them’ that they leave Infested Terrans in, simply because it is more fun.

I don’t feel like further discussing the reduction rates of the cloud. I’m sure it could be perfected - I don’t know what it should be. I am sure Blizzard will make it great.

I really haven’t done this too much on the forums. But what you were reading is really just Zerg complains. Sorry you had to read it. I want to require gas like I need another zergling.


I rarely here of anyone even using the ability because it’s so susceptible to storm. I don’t know if a buff is what’s needed or just a redesign.


Ravagers can also hit air ith their ability, Infestors can Neural every air unit in the game, and Parasitic Bomb is the most powerful Anti-Air nuke in the game.

Zerg has every option they need to counter Air, down to the Corruptor, which is the strongest AA unit in the game.


Corruptors isn’t the strongest, it’s actually the second worse AA unit in the game. Vikings are strongest, followed by void rays.


I don’t even know what to say to this. Corruptors kill both Vikings and Void Rays, cost effectively.

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On paper they do. In an actual high-level game play, they don’t. Because if it is, then Zerg players wouldn’t have any problems (if they really had one mind you) dealing with late game air protoss.

stretch: I here of anyone even using the ability because it’s so susceptible to storm. I don’t know if a buff is what’s needed or just a redesign.

Please be specific ffs. :joy:… We are talking about the most important, most needed buff in the game right now. :face_with_monocle:

Zerg was very favored in lategame thats why they nerfed a ton of things lategame.
Like shown in reynor vs zest or any good zvx lategame match zerg doesnt struggle lategame in current patch. With viper and corrupter you can toy any t3 unit around. So yeah, corrupter are amazing.

Still, a little buff for shroud should be fine. We ppl in lower leagues (low master and below) would appreciate it.

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in its current state, the spell is useless. ive never seen it ingame, so i dont even know, what it looks like lol.

cutting energy cost etc wont do anything. the spell is intended to give zerg a way to fight with hydras against air. problem is, if you place a shroud, its more than obv that your hydras have to stay in it, which give the toss a perfect target for storm.

so to make it usable in pvz, you have to make it so, that spell dmg is also reduced.
another way to make it usable is to just rename it to dark swarm and reduce any ranged dmg to half. but both options have the potential to be op, so tweaking with numbers would be required.

in its current state, you could ninja-remove the spell and noone would even notice.


I don’t know if that’s really the case. But if it is, just like you said, then it’s good to have it nerfed.

Yes, they are amazing for their cost. But they are NOT the strongest AA unit.

I say we wait a couple of months to see it really needs a buff.