Would the U.E.D hold earth?

Think Kerrigans swam during HoTS would be enough to invade Earth with the U.E.D. standing in the way?

I dont think so myself. U.E.D. are resourceful. I think they would defend Earth. Heavy losses would insure kerrigans attack be shot down.

I think as much as we know about the UED suggest they have better tech at home and are stronger than the Dominion or the Confederacy ever was. They could probably hold out, yeah, especially because they now keep an eye on the Koprulu-sector and know what to expect from the Zerg and the Protoss.

Depends if Kerrigan had worlds to infest on the way. If she hust straight out invaded Earth all the way from Koprulu she is done for.

Kerrigan has no plan for U.E.D destrution on earth ,besides we may see the UED in the future during Hots Kerrigan just focus on Mengsk

I say no. The zerg are a match for the protoss’ advanced technology and the distance is irrelevant because we went to Zerus like it was nothing.

The main factor is whether she has the numbers. I’d say she does, because the swarm can replicate to insane amounts.

That being said, it would be a hard fought bottle and the UED might pull through if it found a way to go on the offensive and or make use of psi technology like the psi disruptor.

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Im of a mind with Gradius. I doubt it would be easy or trivial for them, but the UED’s technology wouldn’t be better than the protoss’, and they aren’t going to beat the Swarm in numbers, so unless they managed to cut off the zerg’s resource bases to stop them from reinforcing the attacks somehow, theyre doomed to a slow death.

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