Why do colossy beat cycloins

as if colo weren’t OP enough. they counter cycloings to? srsley blizzard? just lost 400 mmr to toss. mech is trash. cyloings are trash. reapers are trash. tanks are trash. gj blizzard.


I think mech players deserve a special circle in hell. You have the potential to go bio, but you don’t? At least Protoss players have the excuse that they cannot make marines and marauders, but what do you have?


A cycloin does beats a colossy tho…

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I’m not really gonna address the whole “this is OP”, “this needs nerfing” portion. I actually clicked this because I thought there is a genuine interest to know why and how to counter that. For that, please read one of my other posts about people who complain about buffs / nerfs.


Cyclones lose to Colossi because of the following:

  • A Cyclone is not an end-game unit.
  • A Cyclone has light armour (if I recall) and Colossus deal extra damage to it.
  • The Colossus’ area of attack is perfectly in line with where multiple Cyclones will need to stand (side by side) in order to all attack at the same time.
  • A Cyclone’s lock-on ability deals a lot of damage, but over time.

If you are heavily relying on Cyclones, I presume that you are attempting to use Battle Mech rather than the Standard Mech play:

  • Battle Mech - Hellions & Cyclones (kiting as much as possible, picking on things here and there and whittling down the opponent’s army)
  • Standard Mech - Hellions, Tanks, some Thors / Vikings (it’s a heavy duty force that attempts to get the golden opportunity to park everything just outside your opponent’s base when their army is at home)

If you have went more heavy on Tanks / Vikings, Colossi will never be a problem. Disruptors will more likely be the issue.


Except cyclones are armored. Colossi can’t do crap to them. Just don’t run away and get chipped by colossi’s range then cyclones will win.

mayhaps if u made le veekings u would beat big laser boi dat cant sh00t up bigbrain

“Terran players only want to go Marine Marauder Medivac” “Terran players want to stay on Tier 1 all game long and win against tier 3 colossus” “Terran players expect to win vs Tier 3 with Tier 1 MMM? Hah!”

Protoss players need to make up your god damn minds. Should we be able to mech in TvP or not?

Frankly, no mech means that Terran is super predictable in TvP - Protoss barely need to do more than cursory scouting once they get past the early game in the majority of cases, because 99% of Terran players go mech simply because Protoss typically finds it really, really easy to wipe the floor with mech play in general.

How about “I want to be able to use the other half of my tech tree.”

Have a look at TY vs Stats - Game 4 TY played mech. Maybe give his style a try and see how it goes!


Man…if only Terran had a unit that could shoot Collosi at range with impunity…it’d have a be a flying unit…and it’d be really cool of that unit could also turn into a ground unit with bonus damage against mechanical. We should name that unit something cool. It does a lot of raids…who else did that…oh Vikings did. Yeah it’d be really cool if Terran had vikings.


There’s a reason these players hide their profiles.

keep getting free wins

Almost everything toss has, beats what Terran has.

Terran basically needs to out micro/take great engagements, and toss needs to make mistakes when fighting.

I lost like 250 mmr on my other account today. I got like 8 Protoss. I only won one game.
Almost all toss go now very strong early pressure or cheese. Even if you defend you are usually way behind.
Also thank God I got some tvt s later. My mmr is gone, but at least I finished with 2 wins.

Is it me or it is a lot of Protoss on the ladder lately?

toss get free wins. gateway units beat bio units PERIOD. don’t even try t o convict me otherwise. stalkers beat tanks by blinking on them. or the toss can jus blint into your base no problem. BCs are trash. Cycloins are trash. Reapers are trash. Tam is trash. toss is awlways a base up and it doesn’t matter what terran, does. toss does whatever they want.

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I wish they would buff the vikings hp to +10, to 145.

They are so squishy to storm.

toss can have carriers in your base before you have stim pack. this game is BROKEN.

no they need to remove storm from the game. period. and collosy and dirptors. why does toss need 3 types of splash. because they gcan’t play, tha’s why. L2P TOSS.

I like how the colossi vaporize when my mines tickle them.


keep enjoying your free wins toss.

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The problem with Terran, it is early game vs Protoss is absolutely garbage.

Adept harash, stalker pressure, warprism play can get real dmg early, while Protoss’s eco is better to start with.

one zeal in yhou can’t expand. BROKEN. one adept and you lose all your SCVs. BORKEN. one stalker nad you have to GG. BORKEN.


That’s a really stupid complaint.

Cyclones are designed to kite ranged units. They need to be squishy, and they need to be countered by longer-ranged units in order to have any semblance of balance.

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