Why did we nerf the beatable widowmine?

It’s such an investment to get takes so much time it’s ridiculous. DTs get cloak, zerg gets burrow, zerg gets invisible burrow-move under creep

To make life easy for protoss. Terrans used to proxy factories vs toss then float into their main and put fast mines in their base. Ever since nerf protoss doesn’t need to worry.

Technically it would still be possible, but now terran needs armory and drilling claw upgrade which delays so much that protoss would have to be an absolute clown to take damage from it.


This 100%.

They even stated that they were looking to make the game easier for lower level players, but meanwhile they also admit that the TVP match up is much easier for Protoss. It doesn’t really stack up logically, does it?


protoss was forced to get detection like terrans blindly have to get detection and god forbid protoss has to be defensive in any parts of the game in that match up. If toss isn’t “A” moving over your army then they ain’t toss


Honestly, Since 4.0 Terran has been struggling. Too many big nerfs all at once. Raven too strong, did we turn it in to a degen that doesn’t stack? No, removed the ability from the game… Widow mine he go to opener, do we give a slight cost increase? Nope, remove the opener from the game.

Meanwhile, Zerg wins every. single. late game. And Protoss is so easy that they have to make them weak as a child with cerebral palsy so a monkey with 7 fingers can’t win the GSL.


Its the game design. instead of building on top of what BW did. they over complicated it with a new design. they are incompetent and cant get it right or unwilling to get it right to please only a select few individuals. which is asinine

but you noticed, that burrow and burrow move is an upgrade, which costs money?.. so why shouldnt terrans also pay for it?


I agree. DTs should not be cloaked by defaut.


Mines can finish as early as 2:30. That’s much earlier than any other cloaked unit. That’s why. Also, protoss doesn’t have scan, so having to blindly rush detection is kinda bad.

Also, DTs don’t splash damage, so they kill workers much slower, come back when 1 DT is even half as threatening as 1 mine.


They nerfed Widow Mines so Protoss doesn’t have to be forced into making detection. But God forbid Missile Turret go back to Barracks like during beta; That made it too easy to defend against Oracles and Dark Templar in the same time frame Widow Mines come around.

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Being forced to save and use Scan is just as bad for Terran since Chrono boost having no price puts Protoss ahead when they harass successfully.

Not blindly going detection or not having a scan available already kills Terran when there’s just one or two DTs in the base(s). Because Terran just falls so far behind if we don’t blindly go Turrets or Raven. Just because one DT doesn’t have the potential to kill 5+ workers at once with a 25~30 second reload time doesn’t mean it can’t end the game. Lack of detection against a permanently cloaked unit that one-hits workers is just bad as getting the rare money shot on a group of workers.

MULEs are such a necessity to not fall behind in the early game.


Do you have any concept of how terrible a mine drop is now? It used to be the one build that could allow you to: scout, punish overly greedy play, and keep your opponent on his toes.

Now a Terran can just sit there as Protoss flies free fake phoenixes into our base and knows exactly what we’re doing without having to break a sweat.

DTs have much more potential and much less at the same time. They’re a much greater commitment, or at least they used to be. Now, a mine with cloak takes about as much commitment as a DT, but committing your opener to it means basically any counter attack will kill you.

Because Widow Mines were very low skill units that have “screw Protoss” bonus damage. They’re cheap, tanky, build fast and can be reactored.

I’d argue the Widow Mine is one of the worst designed units in the game as it currently sits.

Personally, I want the +shield damage removed. Then Widow Mines can get some of their toys back.


On paper mines should be garbage against toss since almost all protoss units outrange them or have ability to counter. In practice drilling claw mines are pretty strong because protoss don’t protect their observers.

life is already REALLY easy for brottoss

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Even when you do, Observers are made of paper and all it takes is 1 Widow Mine to score colossal damage vs Protoss. Never mind the blatantly unhealthy interaction between probes and Widow Mines.


especially when you f2 a click them in with the rest of your army.

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I see you like to make hyperbole in an attempt to be right instead of have a discussion.

You might fit in better on the TL forums.

Point being. Many, many pros have had scan kill their observer which leaves a Protoss nigh defenseless vs a unit which has “screw Protoss” bonus damage despite not needing it anymore.


Don’t think it’s really a hyperbole. It’s actually a pretty frequent occurrence.