When are they going to nerf nydus?

come on man, its really a joke!
doesnt matter if you are terran or protoss, nydus is so op!
its ridiculous how strong zerg is.

op in zvz as well if it makes you feel any better


Not until Serral gets his 3rd WCS finals trophy.


You would have to cut serral’s hands to avoid that, although maybe he can play with his feet like larva

serral is a beast and i love watching him play but they have to fix zerg.
nydus, infestors, a million free units, its impossible.

Nydus is so OP in what sense? You mean Allins? The unload speed? Cost? Be specific. This isn’t constructive.

I think that halving the Worms’ cost was too much, so maybe increase it to 75/75(instead of 50/50, which used to be 100/100) but otherwise, I don’t think Nydus is too strong :slight_smile:

I agree. It’s not OP but it does force you to play entirely differently than in a game with no worms. Reinforcing is so awesome with worms so winning the fight becomes much more important. Then there’s the possibility of sniping the worm and giving yourself a short reprieve the reinforce and entrench your own position. All in all the worm is good. I don’t even mind the cost of the worm. Sure it can be a pain if you don’t catch it in time to counter it but considering that you can essentially use workers and afew units to shut it down i can’t agree with it being OP. There are some issues with nydus swarmhost synergy but even with that I think its a L2P issue. Just take the BC for instance. When that stuff started going on zergs were dropping left and right and nowadays you’ll be lucky to even justify going for the opener if a zerg has ever played against it before.

it’s least op vs terran cause terran is most likely to have high dps units nearby to stop it.

in zvz if they wall on 2 bases you basically have to mass roach just in case they nydus you because nothing else can hold it.

in zvp, i don’t do it myself but it seems to have 80% winrate at least from checking peoples match histories. just ling nydus rush.

that’s just plain wrong. If you scout your opponent (as you should) You’d know that the possibility of nydus is real.
You literally only need lings to hold it if you see it going up. Your failure to scout your own base does not mean nydus is OP…

you don’t know what you are talking about.

he doesn’t need to land it in my base to win, i am not a terran

he can make it somewhere near my third for same fx

Yes I assumed you were zerg. But even so. If you don’t have the units to hold an attack witg your army it means you’ve not been reacting to what you’re scouting. I may be a lowly nub but if I see only 2 bases and much gas I’ll be on my guard and won’t go for a 4:30 3rd base. Do tell me what race you are though so I can refute your idiotic statements more accurately.

I’ll keep assuming you’re zerg (i can’t imagine you being protoss because pretty much every opener gives you full information on what’s happening in the zerg base)

the correct response to a z walling in is to take a 3rd

because attacking is bad and units are not needed yet.

it’s not greedy for z to expand because hatch=production. taking a 3rd is like dropping 2 more rax.

Yes agreed. But you should still be aware if you can drone it up or if you need units to defend an allin. How is this difficult? I know the drone key calls all zergs like a hot siren in heat but there are situations where droning isn’t the right call.
I stand by this because I recently played a ZVZ versus a player going nydus off of 2 base and held it easily by NOT droning the 3rd.

it’s not difficult at all. i can beat 2 base nydus allin every time if i assume its coming and spam roaches to defend it.

but it is breaking the matchup by forcing mass roaches.

Its quite strong in 1v1, but wait till u get to team games. Nydus worms in team games are the most broken thing in the game just because of the map size and other teammates giving vision so even if it is 100% fine in 1v1 I think for the sake of team games they should be changed in some way to make them not ruin team games (talking about 3v3 and 4v4 mostly).

But Blizzard couldn’t give a sh*t about team games so yeah won’t happen.

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Terran is the biggest offender in the “free unit” category thanks to flying, mobile, free marine factories that move faster than any other unit in the game.

I’m so sick of having to play every single game against Nydus. In all matchup’s. It’s the same level of stupidity of Cannon Rushing. People are spamming it on all matchups, no exception.

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