What will be the 4 th race? We all, would probably like to see SC3 or another Expansion come to fruition

I’m down for having sub-races like in co-op or the campaign, but I see no need to go beyond the standard 3 for starcraft.

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It could be because we kind of already get it? With the Campaign and the Co-op, I mean. The UED is completely in represented.

Where did you get this idea from?

The 4th race for me will be Skynet. :slight_smile:

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It was a minor plot point in the novel Starcraft: Evolution. Zagara offered to help the Dominion with its food shortage by using the Adostra to grow crops, but Valerian suspected it was a ploy to infest the Terran population. Zagara assured him that the Adostra would indirectly grow the food using their psionic powers and confirmed that the Zerg are unable to assimilate plant species. This is indirectly supported by the original manual, which identifies the core genus of the all the Zerg units as animals but does not associate structures with any plants. I assume that Zerg structures were originally sessile animals (like sea anemones and barnacles) before being assimilated by the swarm, but I have no proof of that assumption.

I demand the entire Greenskin race from Warhammer to come 'ere nd bash some 'edz in.

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At that point it’s better to make an actual WH40 RTS.

I’m actually more into Warhammer fantasy than 40K.

Read they are gonna reboot it.

To be honest, those themes endless suffering, meaninglessness of an individual and senseless faith in something or someone…

Kinda too weary for me.

I think as ducked up as the Warhammer world is, it always has a little Tolkien-like aftertone where you know things will turn out right. That is, until the End Times.

I hate the part where only some people matter. And all the things being inevitable.

I just hate the concept of “Fate”.

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Same, fates and prophecies are dumb.

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Isn’t one of tolkiens main things that while things might not turn out bad they wont ever be as good as the old times?

As for the end times, I came into the hobby after that mess has already ended so I didn’t rely have the investment in it.

As for brining WHF back, it will suffer the same problem as all specialist games (which is probably where it ends up since AoS is the mainline), with forge world just not able to handle all of them and stretching out releases like with necromunda and 30k.

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Nostalgia is just a human thing. Things are not always worse in the end, but different.


I personally believe, we need a 4th race either just for the campaign and add-on, so we can see our fans reaction. Or eventually in SC 3, just because people will get tiered of 25 years playing these 3 races. Sadly we will lose some of the units we have.

I don’t think people would get tired of them 3 races. I feel like StarCraft’s audience is more traditionalist than progressive.

If we got new campaign races I’d rather we get subfactions like it was discussed before. KMC and Umoja for Terrans (next to Dominion), Purifier and Tal’darim for the Protoss next to the Daleam and for the Zerg… Don’t know, don’t care. Full fledged Stukov infestation? I’m down.

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They wont be the same. Whether they are better or worse depends on your perspective.

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I’ve thought up a few more minor races that could serve as mercenaries for the primary factions.

Mimix-Shapeshifters who manipulate the Koprulu factions into furthering their plans
Inspiration: Changelings (Star Trek), Darlok
-Not much is known about this mysterious race or their hidden homeworld. The Confederacy discovered alien doppelgangers infiltrating their government prior to the Great War but hid this information from the public. The Dominion only stumbled onto their existence while investigating the origin of the Zerg changelings; it seems some unlucky Mimix were caught and assimilated. Now the Mimix have begun to operate more openly, offering their services to commanders who serve their interests. An agent of the Mimix can sabotage even the most secure of bases with their timebombs. The Mimix also have reconnaissance ships that occupy a similar role to Oracles. The Mimix aren’t great fighters, but their only combat unit, the Replicant, is capable of reshaping itself into almost any form.

Dwarfling- Diminutive miners and engineers who operate massive mining crawlers
Inspiration: Dwarves, Goblins, Jawas, Ugnaughts, Bolos, supertanks
-The industrious Dwarflings are always harvesting resources to construct massive civic projects, the greatest of which will be a Dyson Sphere surrounding their star. Dwarflings lend their massive mining crawlers to other factions when there’s an explicit agreement to share post-battle mining rights. Dwarflings are too puny to fight outside their vehicles, but their largest crawlers and mining vessels can be outfitted with enough turrets to turn them into formidable mobile fortresses. They also sell many single use vehicles that can transform into economic or transportation structures like automated refineries, ramps and bridges.

Void Shadows- Energy beings native to the Void attempting to colonize the material universe
Inspiration: Demons, Chaos Marines, Lovecraftian horrors, Amon’s Armada, Undead Scourge
-The formless ones were initially shaped by Amon to resemble units of the Koprulu races, but over time the shadows began to twist into new forms that mix the three races together into chimeras. The Void Thrashers asserted control over the shadow army following Amon’s demise. Void portals may spawn on any world where the barrier between the Void and the prime universe has been weakened. Desperate commanders may make a faustian bargain with the shadows, exchanging resources for shock troops. Portals expand when fed more resources; if they get too big it may trigger a full-blown Voidshade invasion that threatens both sides of the conflict. Since the Void Shadows are energy beings they use energy bars for health, which is depleted by both their abilities and enemy attacks. The Shadows are deadly but short-lived, although some of their units have an outer shell (standard hp) or plasma shields to protect their energetic core. Void reanimators can resurrect any fallen Shadows to maximize their value. Their ultimate unit, the Void Thrasher, can be summoned to bombard the enemy base from afar.

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I was thinking maybe a race, that is also into a lot of taking away a abilities (not every ability of course) for a short time/ shape shifters (that deal a bit of dmg ,like banelings), short cloacking etc.

So the Plot will be like the X Race was watching for decades the 3 races, and now the have couple of similar abilities as the 3 races, plus they know how counter as well.

So it will be more abilities than even Protoss has, but less developed than Protoss, really close to Terran.

Early and Mid Strong.

Protoss Dominator Campaign

You play as one of the most powerful beings in the StarCraft Universe: a hybrid dominator.

With Amon defeated, you have lost your imperative to obey his every command, and now must forge your own path. For the first time, you have free will. While you have no desire to continue Amon’s plans, you find that you’re constantly met with hostility wherever you go.

Discovering that you are welcomed by neither zerg nor protoss, you decide your first task is to find others like you and rescue survivors of the End War. To this end you take control of a zerg queen and build up your army consisting of hybrid warriors, mind-controlled templar, and zerg slaves.

Your freedom is short lived however, as Hierarch Artanis and Overqueen Zagara notice you amassing your army and decide you are too dangerous to be left alive. No matter your power, you know that you still have no chance against the might of the zerg swarm or a full protoss psionic assault. Thus you must find a way to make an exit from this war-torn galaxy and find access to protoss vessels capable of intergalactic travel.