What are the basics of playing zerg?

can you define whats considered basics? i am playing standard built… but i dont know if i know all the basics.

and what things are advance?

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Good question.
Basics for Zerg would entail efficient production and teching on time,

Zerg production is both it’s strength and weakness in that everything comes from larva. A hatchery will produce 1 larva every 10 seconds, and a queen with perfect injects will double that by giving 3 larva after 30 seconds. Hatcheries cannot singularly produce it’s on larva past 3, again 30 seconds. So too fully utilize the strength of Zerg, you want to do what’s called a ‘macro cycle’ every 30 seconds. This is where you drop everything and focus on injecting, making units, and teching when necessary. If you are engaged in battle, safely resolve said battle by either disengaging or getting into at least a low maintenance position, where you don’t have to babysit it for a few seconds. Inject, produce, go back to what you were doing.

A bit more advance would be map awareness and creep spread. This looks like using extra queen energy to lay down tumors and spread creep, overlords spread just beyond the edge until it’s pretty far out. Gives you a heads up to incoming attacks and later on helps with engaging those armies. More aggressively you can use a squad of ling, ling/bane, or mutas to roam the map and engage in smaller skirmishes or harass. Creep spread also helps with setting up surrounds, very helpful against splash damage, maximizing damage, and denying splits, kites, and retreats. Compliments banelings the best.

The most advanced would be the use of spell casters. Very expensive and defenseless, so they require the previous skills to be learned first, as well as a separate hotkey and a plan on how to use them before battle is engaged, otherwise they just die.

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thanks that was very helpful :slight_smile: .

what about zerg strategies ?

Make the roach. A-move. Win. That’s pretty much it. It’s all about making drones and knowing when you’re gonna be attacked as zerg.

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spend larva. make drones.
12pool to gm

Sorry haven’t been on in like a week.

There’s a lot of strategies. Ling rush/flood, bane bust (flooding with bane battering ram), roach ravager masses, Hydra roach, Hydra lurker, to many to go over in the forums. Check out my post history, I explained a lot of MU details as far as I’m able in an earlier post, or message me maniac #12435 and we can chat or go over some things

Basically zerg builds go one of 2 ways:

  1. drone, pool, gas, drone, drone, overlord, hatch drone, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz -> f2 + a click -> gg

  2. drone, pool, gas, drone, drone, overlord, hatch drone, roach warren, drone, drone, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -> f2 + a click -> gg

You are guaranteed atleast around 98% winrate, good luck :]

98% winrate against who

medium ai not on ladder unfortunately

basics of playing zerg:

hardest race in the macro
we have larvae other races dont have larvae
dont run out of larva dont get capped
build hatcheries without them dying all the time

if you figure out the macro you can learn how to micro in like diamond youll be good to go and then youll be having a lot of fun once you figure it out and its going smooth

like how terran just has to micro until diamond zerg just has to macro

but i mean we dont have to dodge banelings and lurkers with marine and they dont have to think bc drop mule / scan

As far as I know Innovation does play ladder…


dayuuummm i just popped out of my chair thats one for NA lets goooo