Tyrador Fusion Core's model has animation issues

When using the Tyrador skin, the Fusion Core’s model for the building being in construction is odd:

  • It looks like the completed structure while being constructed

The issue is that the Tyrador Fusion Core model (Assets\Buildings\Terran\FusionCore_Silver\FusionCore_Silver.m3) has a few animations in which the model should be practically invisible.

You can see the difference in this video:

In addition, the work start animation stars a bit slower than the default one. This hides the information that the enemy just started researching an upgrade. The work animation should always be equally obvious.

The model’s animations need to be edited:

  • “Build A Start” needs to be invisible
  • “Build A Stand” needs to be invisible
  • “Build B Start” needs to be invisible
  • “Build B Stand” needs to be invisible
  • “Build C Start” needs to be invisible in the beginning and then move the model out of the ground to the current position
  • “Stand Work Start” should not be idle for 1.2 seconds hiding the fact that a research started

more info and screenshots might be found here: Tyrador Fusion Core's construction model looks completed during construction · Issue #10 · Ahli/sc2xml · GitHub

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