TY and Cure discussing TvP

“Terran has a good chance of winning late games because of planetary fortresses. It is easy to win trades because you know that PFs are going to delay/ defend side pushes. I was originally planning to go late game every single set.” - TY, 27:38

"I will tell you why ghosts and tanks comp is op. in order for the protoss to get the ghosts, you need an observer. However if there is a turret near the ghosts, the observer can’t approach the ghosts. - TY, 28:22

“Terran’s dream… Twin PFs. The reason I made twin PFs is because Zest told me that a single PF just gets demolished in a second by 8 dts with 2 upgrades. You can’t destroy twin PFs. I cussed at terran players who made twin PFs when I played zerg or protoss. It is so op. It is sturdier than the Great Wall.” - TY, 29:13

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bS9qHUU72yQ&t=778s
Complete translation: Reddit - Dive into anything

“If I had to prepare for a matchup, I would prefer a TvP.” - Cure when asked about playing Trap vs Innovation

I think these comments by the two Terran Code S finalists pretty much sum up how it actually is playing PvT. Terran is so far ahead due to the myriad of insanely efficient early-mid game pressure builds that also allow for a seamless transition into a macro oriented lategame in which the Protoss cannot do anything against the likes of things like “OP” (Code S champion TY’s own words) ghost compositions and defensive capabilities of things of OP PFs (TYs own words) and siege units.

I think Terran needs significant nerfs across the board so that Protoss and Zerg have a chance against the race. The ghost is too powerful. BCs are broken. Thors are OP. The terran set and forget units are OP. Command centers, which can turn into orbitals and planetaries are OP. Either that, and/or properly buff Protoss and Zerg units so that turtle terran into lategame isn’t so OP.


OMG, Bourne is livid and is going to have an apoplectic stoke (today is called a stroke or cardiovascular incident), he is going ballistic and will surpass the 10M (ten Mach) Zirkon Hypersonic Cruise Missile…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


The forum terrans will be here soon to loudly disagree. Idk who to believe TY and cure, or the the terran dream scream


They will probably just pretend only Dream’s discussion of TvP exists. That’s what fits the narrative

For them, the opinion of a rusty Terran pro who hasnt won a premier tournament in his career probably >>> the opinion a top 3 Terran player of LotV, and the smartest terran player in the world


But Berserk some player named Dream that nobody knows says that you have to win early game! TvP is so imba late game OMFG! This is Dream for god’s sake! The player who… hasn’t done anything until winning his group today. What do TY and Cure know?


You mean the dream whine thread created as he was wiping sOs?


Wow you guys are making hate posts now. Nice. Bunch of silver protoss players circle jerking. You are taking what they are saying out of context…

Also, at diamond-master level, protoss is even more broken than at pro level…


No I’m not.

Does the truth hurt so much that you have to pretend to not understand what is being said lol

When Shia plays TVP he never scouts like the big brain boy he is because anything the protoss does is OP anyway

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Shilaleboof is so scared in tvp he just stays on one base and spams planetaries at the ramp and turret rings around his minerals


don’t hype yourself, you’re diamond

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hmmmm twin pfs you say? TO THE LADDER

Twin Pfs are only when you’re rick ross rich otherwise a bunker with marines in a choke works wonders. Go watch that heromarine game on Eternal Empire that stopped wave after wave of runbys.

What do TY and cure know about the long suffering struggle of playing terran(hardest and coolest and bestest but also skill only race that needs buffs)
Sounds like toss players pretending to be terrans to get nerfs for toss

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I’ll agree he has a point, how about this guy (https://twitter.com/IEM/status/970101525166075904)? Does he suddenly have no idea what he’s talking about?

Maximum Terran trigger confirmed.

Blizzard is to take action and nerf a random Protoss unit asap.


Low skill Terran posters will have a meltdown and get triggered.

Another Terran TY Agreeing with me and confirmed that tvp is ez pz and that even low skill players such as cure dream and bunny can get results!

Another win for benevolence.


No no no no no no no no no no!!!
You’re taking what he said out of context, he couldn’t possibly mean that…

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He said it might be OP, where on earth did he suggest “ez?”

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ur trolling is getting old man