Two Visual Suggestions for Prestiges

For Zagara’s “Apex Predator” prestige, have her summoned Banelings from Baneling Barrage use the Primal Baneling warchest skin, matching her updated model.

For Nova’s “Infiltration Specialist” prestige, have her use the Apollo Suit model from the Covert Ops campaign.


You are asking the same guys that never fixed Stukov’s portraits to do some visual changes.

Good luck.

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Both of these changes, for sure.

Zweihaka having a different skin, for example, is the kind of extra love that really makes the game glow for a lot of players.

Also update Alarak’s stalkers to use the Forged skin, and the other missing skins.

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I wish they’d made Zeratul look like a Beyblade for his P3

There is a difference in that these are assets that already exist, whereas Stukov’s do not. They make visual changes all the time – just as long as the assets already exist.


They gave us human Kerrigan for her P3 so we know campaign models are on the table.