Tired of Seeing Zergs win big tournaments because the balance team can't figure out the problem

No,but imagine he played and practiced during years with a strong and less demanding race like zerg.Wasn’t Dark the one who said that zerg being strong made him realize he could win more by practizing harder?, think about it, and then think what would think juanito, practicing harder just to be destroyed because even the best 2-3 best terran in the world are completely beatable. Special is just playing to get some easy wcs cash, I don’t think he plays aiming for trophies.


Honestly - this.

At the absolute top tier, Protoss seems completely dominant with any zerg that isn’t one of the Big Three just getting rolled.

Zerg has strong points, but also a lot of vulnerabilities. Terran need some help late game vs Zerg.

Where specifically did Blizzard say Zerg are overtuned?

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Im sorry Lost but where are you getting this. Zerg cried about Stargate. The meta shifted and stargate is a joke. At the pro level its like signaling to the zerg, just put down spore crawlers and go HAM on the D key.

Then Zerg cried about the soul train all in. The meta shifted and it wasn’t a problem. And then blizzard nerfed immortal and WP.

Even before the nerfs have you ever seen Serral struggle with Protoss? No. Foreigners are recently defining the meta which is crazy. Now that Serral has shown just how powerful Zerg can be, the top Korean zerg and Reynor have been dominating. Serral might lose a game or maybe even a series to a P or T but pretty much every tournament only Zerg have been able to eliminate him. I wonder why.


And yet the Korean GM is something like 40% protoss, and this is borne out in GSL.

HSC had 6 Terrans, 6 Toss and 4 Zerg in the RO16. Serral and Reynor made it through because they’re better players. Time for you to accept it.

BLIZZARD has admitted that Zerg is overtuned. There is no debate that Zerg is overtuned. This is a discussion how to fix it, Zergoon. You don’t want to participate? Then don’t. I don’t care, but if you don’t have anything constructive to add when BLIZZARD has admitted that there’s a problem… feel free to take a long walk off of a short pier. Take your keyboard with you.

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That’s like saying Terran UP or Protoss OP in Brood War. There was literally a RO4 that was 4 protoss recently. I don’t think anyone would dare call Toss OP in BW. If that happen in SC2, Zerg would scream bloody murder. Meanwhile 3 of the players in RO4 in Blizzcon were Zerg. And it wasn’t Serral who won, it was Dark. Its not balanced till every RO4 is all Zerg? The hubris of Zerg to say that T or P are overpowered is insane. If P didn’t have all ins, they literally could not win games at the highest level.


The across the board NERF that Zerg got. They didn’t nerf Zerg because they thought the race needed buffs. Also, if you read WHY they nerfed Zerg how they did, it was because Zerg was overperforming in every aspect of the game.

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tired of seeing people whine about pro circuit, maybe if your favorite players wanted to win they should learn better strategies.


Where, specifically, did Blizzard say Zerg were overtuned though?

You have to accept that even if the impossible happened and the game achieved perfect balance there will never be a balance of players skill levels and talent distribution among the 3 races as long as people can choose the race they play.

It’s not balance that you want unless you admit you want to balance the game so the less talented players can beat the more talented ones. You might as well take the top Zergs and force them to play a different race and it will achieve what you want faster then balancing around it.

You see the arguments about balance have been made. Infestor/Nydus/Broodlord/Creep spread we’re the things that people said needed to be addressed and the game will change. All of those things have been adjusted. So either people are wrong about Infestor/Nydus/Broodlord/Creep spread or they are wrong about just how talented the top crop of Zerg players are.

Obviously whiners are going double down and just want Zerg nerfed more and they will want that until Zerg can’t win. At some point it isn’t about balance anymore. It’s about fixing matches so Zerg can’t win.

So when making post like these please don’t pretend to be concerned about balance. Be honest that you want to match fixing against Zerg.

There was a time when it was just get rid of Infested Terrans, Nerf Nydus ECT ECT. Those things happened and balance whiners we’re wrong. The Zerg players are just that good.

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I bet you weren’t saying that when Maru was a 4 time GSL champion or any of the other times you probably QQ’d about how weak Zerg is. Its funny how its “obviously” due to skill when the meta appears to favor the race you play.

Edit: sorry didn’t read your whole post. Generally I actually agree. Let the meta flesh itself out. There was a big patch, it will take a long time to digest.


Here you go, bb. Scroll up for a perfect example - dozens of people doing the thing you claim nobody has done.

ok for beginners:
if you count serral in - 4 zergs. if you dont - 3 zergs. now i wonder, what do you think, why i said 3-4 zergs? :wink:

its funny, because actually, youre the one, that keeps offending me, not the other way around^^ YOU call me teenager etc, while arguing like a child yourself. i even asked you to keep it mature. self-assessment isnt one of your strenghts, it seems. ah and btw, to call me an euro, just to offend me… isnt that truely a racist statement? if not, why do you do that? do you think, that im less worth than you, just because you live in america? in a country, where trump gets voted?^^ if you wanna drive that road, prepare yourself… its a really rocky road.

what does a single boX mean? nothing. serral also stomped reynor. special stomped reynor. does that make him any less good? reynor was in blizzcon finals, reynor won 2 wcs circuits and everything by defeating serral. how does the “imbalance” of zerg help reynor in a zvz?

another offend :frowning:

can you show me your source?

again one assumption, that isnt true. but go ahead :smiley: show me a statistic, that proofs your claim. if you can, i will shut my mouth. i promise!

Honestly, Zerg are an odd race.

Balancing them seems to be nearly impossible. They are either in a position where they simply cannot hold early or hold early and conquer the map. And due to the way their production works, they tend to win endgame.

You nerf infestors? Vipers serve a similar function. Nerf vipers too? Zerg suddenly have no way to counter certain endgame stuff.

That all said - looking at the GSL - Protoss seem to be the outlier, not Zerg.

Mind you I am a pure SP player but would bringing in transport overlords/overseerers, overlord creep generating,corruptors, having vipers and broodlords side by side, then nerfing movement speed outside creep by 20% and def/HP by 10% then making infestation like a 90 sec temp thing, basically make your infested units summons, mabye get health packs or resoruce packs from them when they die as a trade off.

I don;t think PVP and SP are comparable they spent to much time trying to make a cohesive SP game that translates smoothly to PVP but frankly it dose not and it drags down PVP.

Also would the terrains, the turret bunker make it like a 20-50 resource temp upgrade thing (think spider mines and raven turrets)you can bring it out or auto cast it(auto cast should need 10% or so more resources or have a long cool down of up to 2X the time the summon lasts) and it works for 1000 shots, same range as the bunker marines but its 20% less powerful.

One of the other things I noticed from just causal observation is old SC was more of a slower more methodical game SC2 is all about rushing due to the lack of neeeding to spend some time to upgrade the command center,ect and lack of more buildings that allow certain things to be built. I think they streamlined it too much, you should just be able to use workers to seep up building/warping/growing building upgrades/creation.

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The problem is they don’t take account of the mappool. You don’t care about the B2/B3 as Zerg, but the location of B4 is really important (and B5 too). And to play lategame, if you can’t secure at least B7, it’s really hard to win.

But most maps last seasons had a almost free B4/B5 and could be played on B9, it was one of the best mapools for Zerg ever. There was also plenty of open space, low number of chokes, etc… And a good map for Z is a bad map for T.

P is middle, the most important is to secure B3 (and after B4), they like chokes like T, they’re not afraid of big maps like Z.

The problem is balance team make huge patch, already not really clever per se, as you can easily predict that it will imbalance some MU, and they don’t take into account if the mapool is good or not for this race, and how the next mapool will be, so it results a lot of volatility in the balance.


B2 is really important because it determines your vulnerability to proxy rax, cannon rush and proxy stargate. B3 is really important because it decides how well you can saturate your third while defending hellion+liberator pressure or adept+oracle pressure. B4 is important because you have to defend immortal storm pushes and marine tank pushes.

True. Every proplayer who want to win money must play Random. Make it happen!