This has to be 15 characters - so here it is. This game is terrible

Battlecruiser rush? Seriously? 5 minute battle cruisers. My supply is almost double my Terran ‘opponent’ (in quotes because Terran is EZ mode).

Please dont tell me ‘Queens’. I had 4. I couldnt scout my ‘opponent’ because - walled off. and yes I sac’d TWO overlords to take a look and I still didnt see it coming.

I fended off the first 2 waves of BC’s - losing half of my base in the process - but it was just a steam roll counter from then on.

I mean what exactly is Blizzard doing or thinking? Why is it that Terran is the ‘pet’ with all of the toys and OP units? Firebats, Marines and Maruaders and bad enough. Mass Thors A-Moving is even worse. Mass BC’s is almost impossible to crack but now BC rushes warping across the map?

This game is horrid. Its simply Rock paper scissors as to whether I HAPPEN to GUESS the right defense. 66% of the time I dont guess so I die.

Edit: Cant beat em? Join em. My Zerg days are done. Time to join EZ mode for some lulz. It should be enjoyable - its a game afterall. I might as well be the one having the lulz with the A-Move EZ mode killing machine rather than killing myself at 120 APM trying to barely break even against an inferior opponent.

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Well you know what you are doing wrong.

If you are using 2 Overlords to scout, what did you see, if not the lack of barracks or double gas that indicate he is rushing tech? The fact that you dont see anything, is a clear indicater that something is going on.

You can easily assume some form of high tech air rush.

From what I’ve seen on your post history, you come here to rant - not to recieve and understand the critisim you get. If you are honestly interrested in feedback - add me and I’ll look at your replay and give you a few pointers. You can catch me at eyal89(a)gmaildotcom


It’s a bs opening for sure, but definitely scoutable. If you’re so worried get overlord speed.


5-6 Queens for the first BC and a fast Spire for Corruptors for the follow-up. 6-8 Corruptors isn’t a bad investment. You’re on 3 base saturation by 5:00 Never go Mutas vs BCs. Not that you’re stupid, some D3 on ladder did that while my Logitech M320 was in the process of dying and not responding. I won anyway.

Hey, bad Terran player here. Race OP is not relevant for our skill level of SC2. Just build drones man. Drone up hard, you know you’ve got until minute 5. Have one spore at each of your 3 hatcheries. That will help with drops, cloaked banshee, and BCs.
You say you are GUESSING the right defense, but you can narrow it down a little. If I’m against Terran I’ll expand and get an engy bay for turrets and detection, against Protoss I’ll wall off earlier and definitely get engy bay. Against Zerg I’ll stick a bunker in the nat… etc blah blah
Bro, like I said, us metal leaguers can’t play the game well enough to have OP as a determining factor.
I have destroyed Zerg, and have been destroyed by Zerg
I have destroyed Protoss, and have been destroyed by Protoss
I have destroyed Terran, and have been destroyed by Terran

It’s not OP. But it is OK.

good luck have fun


why not just make more queens? I’m pretty sure you can have a gang of them before 5 mins? or maybe just get an early evo, upgrade ranged damage and build some spores?

if you don’t see a reaper scout you usually no something not right

you can also just ignore the cringe planes and roach ravager hard all in like scarlett does sometimes

How does one drone up when they are sending hellions to destroy your mineral line every 30 seconds?

The problem with Z V XX is there is too much dichotomy between the races; Zerg are simply always picked on by the other races through early harass; and these new units and stupidly fast Tier3 techs make it too frustrating to want to play as zerg anymore.

Zerg lack good harass options;

you can fry an entire mineral line with hellions with very minor micro; it takes tons of micro and luck to get your entire mineral line with banes and most of the time you get away without losing too much.

Simply put your early game units are just WAY too good at accomplishing too much for very little.

It isn’t like that for zerg; we send 4 units, your mineral line can just delete it unless they’re ultralisks.

You finally fight off the 4 hellions with queen and lings or roachs and guess what, Bc’s warp over into your base with NO vision required; Thats fair? No, thats bullcrap.

Let me build a nydus without vision and watch the two other races cry.

Zerg should not have to perform micro/apm/macro at damn near grand master levels to defeat gold level Terran and protoss that A-Click for their wins because they can safely wall off behind cannons or tanks and A-click for their GG.

It is bullcrap you can tech battle cruisers at 5 minutes.

I can’t GG tech for broodlords in 5 minutes, and honestly all you have to do is click a button to get instant all the scout info you need; you should have to build detection units just like we do.

The worse part is you can also just build 2-3 air units and go hunting for all of our SupplyLords and leave us supply blocked all game.

Terran just has too many freaking ways to harass Zerg; and most of the time the harass feels too excessive.

I feel like a broken record here, but maybe more Queens? And not use all of them to defend hellion harass? It’s just harass after all, not the end of the world. Shutting down multiple forms of harass is the best thing a Zerg can do in this scenario as harass-based builds often rely on a successful harass to have a meaningful follow up.

Yes more queens helps but what im trying to say is their early game harass units are just simply too devastating for their cost.

Not with the correct response. Sometimes it’s just a matter of being out of position, a few seconds later in production than what was needed. I guess my question is this: are you looking for help, or sympathy? Admittedly I’m usually lacking in the sympathy parts.

Information mostly. I don’t need your sympathy, that’s useless lol.

Ok cool. I read your other response, it sounds like you’ll be fine once you adjust to the meta. I had about 4 months off after my computer crashed, a week or 2 before bc openers became a thing. Coming back to a totally new opener was a bit harsh, even for that time.

4 is like the bare minimum you should have at that point. The answer is to know your opponents timings. Know when a medivac timing is. Know how long it takes to make a BC and warp it over. Know how long it takes to make 4 hellions and get ready to send them. Subtract 1 minute, make sure you have overlord speed, and scout.

You’re right. It’s paper rock scissors. If you can’t figure out how to scout, you’re not going to do well consistently. Scouting is based on knowing the timings of your opponent, and going in about a minute before that.

You know how map hack gives you a very unfair advantage? Yea, you can basically map hack yourself if you scout… it’s that simple.