The nightmare of ZvP

This is the first time I’ve played in 2 months since I broke a finger. I loaded up a random alt account and was blessed with a 4.6k mmr OPtoss:

It was a 25 minute long game despite the Zerg being massively ahead. Yep, that’s OPtoss for you. What was the source of his amazing performance? He made carriers and amoved. Literally. That’s it. Watch him find a way to lose the game:

He lost his third base to 2 corruptors while this was going on meanwhile I am building spores, focus firing, timing my engagements/pullbacks, and carefully gauging whether to make roaches or corruptors while shuffling spore positions.

He couldn’t even find the APM to remake his third’s nexus:

The amount of skill you need to beat a Protoss who merely a-clicks is way too darn high. They need to redesign the races to require equal skill/effort. If the Protoss a-moves then the only thing that should be needed to trade equally is an amove from the Zerg. The skill/effort disparity is so extreme it’s literally killing the game. This was the first and last game I will play for quite some time. Adios trashcraft 2!


Pointless virtual signaling at its finest


Why are you fighting the voids with corruptors when their prismatic alignment is on?


There is a lot of wrong things in that fight:

-Only 16 corruptors
-17 queens, too many
-Roaches, at lategame they are useless.
-Corruptor upgrades, could be better, they had two armor and 0 weapons, if you want to snipe carriers, get weapons.
-After the first fight, there was 6 infestors sitting iddle on the nat.
-Moving all the corruptors through archons and voids with prismatic on, then leave the figh only to micro a couple of corruptors with low apm only to see his corruptors being destroyed when he came back to the fight.

After being massively ahead it looks like a poor army, it was basically 16 corruptors, P army was mostly ground, against that comp, lurkers or broodlords would have been better than some roaches and a high amount of queens.And of course, not forgetting all your essential casters at your nat would help too.


Lol u destroyed his nexus at the cost of all ur coruptors chasing the carriers while vr are melting them, i agree w u that toss got the dumbest amove army but u wasted all those coruptors for a 400mineral nexus

LOL even the other up and coming clown is calling you out. This is why no one will ever take you seriously.

Oh look, the gold league AOB’s (autists of here to tell the GM how he messed up.

Translation: A protoss down in supply and upgrades should be able to a-move through a zerg with loads corruptors, queens, static defense, and tons of banked transfuse energy because he pressed 1 button. AKA, Protoss is radically easier to play thus proving my point.

Reality check: if I give up that base I lose so there is no other option except to fight. If you don’t trade against his army he wins. But then again if you weren’t bronze league you’d know this. His army only gets stronger and becomes even more bonkers broken as the game goes on and the fights become even more one-sided. So honestly it was the AOB that was this protoss who gave me a small chance to win by letting me fight.

The reason he made archons there was because I sniped his templar archives before storm finished researching. Now imagine how that fight would go with storm. Yeah. There is no option except to trade and reset his army before he also got storm and this guy was dumb enough to do it. As I said, he searched high and low to find a way to lose this game.

Protoss is way to freaking to easy to play. It’s a disgrace to SC2.

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“Protoss should be completely uncontested when he tries to kill a base because he clicked 1 button on his 5 void rays and no other factors should be relevant such as mass queens, mass transfuse energy, static defense, terrain advantages, upgrade advantages etc. The fact that a Protoss clicked 1 button means he should get a free base kill, PERIOD!”

AOBs strike again.

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3 hours later

why am i not surprised …

welcome back commander?


Well, here is the deal with Skytoss IMO.

Imba is Protoss, there I said it. We all know it. HOWEVER

So what? The problem isnt that Protoss is op… we know it is. The problem is… what are we going to do about it?

The world champion is a Zerg Player, never forget that. It IS possible. We just have to work that much harder.

Avoid the Tilt… Just play harder.

If a GM messes up, it’s our sacred duty to roast your gameplay, you know you need us, without us you are nothing, you need our roasts so you can feel important, so don’t be ungrateful and take it as free therapy for you, you are saving tons of money coming to the forums instead of a psychologist.

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Not sure I agree with that. With attack upgrade I believe it changes from something like 22 to 21 volleys to kill a carrier, probably not even worth it for corruptor volley overkill.

But the carapace get applied 16x per carrier. If toss has +2 attack it changes interceptor effective damage from 5x16=80 to 3x16=48. Seems more substantial.

Or if toss plays like Playa and completely ignores upgrade it changes interceptor damage 3x16 to 1x16.

edit: just checked in unit tester. Z air attack +2 changes corruptor from 27 to 22 hits vs air attack+0, if toss is matching on +2 air armor on carriers… Worth it to get but carapace would still probably be priority.

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Disruptors don’t care about upgrades champ.

Cry more and use your alt accounts to give you more internet points. You’re such a sad human being

I wasn’t talking about the style king cobra invented.

OPtoss have not cared. About micro… LUL

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