The Next Commander After Arcturus

I’m guessing likely? At some point, they will run out of campaign units, or units that were “archived” and never used in official gameplay (go for Terran Shredder!)

People are debating here like how the game needs balance in diversity.

Personally, I think that is less needed, We are getting very unique commanders who function very differently from stock… I think priority would be Unique mechanics first and foremost…

That said, I would like Selendis or Ji’nara, managing an AIR heavy army.

We dont have a sky dependent faction, and no Mothership representation beyond the Alarak Calldown, both commanders i find Fit, to lead Amazing fleets. be it the Golden Armada, or the DeathFleet.

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So, for Selendis; aside from the Mothership what units would she have?

She could have a unit that made her even a little bit more significant in the campaigns.

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Meh i hope it isn’t Protoss. Every Protoss commander has basically been the same. Zerg and Terran has always been where Blizzard has gotten creative.

What are your thoughts on Rohana getting a new worker? I’d give her the Phasesmith.

Mengsk has the Laborer.

What exactly would a Phasesmith do as opposed to a Probe?

If it is to be something different, it shouldn’t be a copy of the Laborer.

Well, it wouldn’t turn into a combat unit. It’d just have a unique and useful new ability. (I might think of something.)

Ever since I met Karax and found out about the “Phasesmiths” I thought they’d be kind of cool to have. However, I didn’t think they could be added until I saw the Laborer.

I’d like to see a Khala commander who uses the Khala to generate a new Khala resource. It would make the Khala seem actually important after the games ignored it until they needed Amon to deus ex machina his way through the plot. Maybe have magic surgery to repair ponytails (or maybe they grow back and that’s why dark temps wear ringlets in their hair) and resurrecting people from backups on the Khala servers like cylons. They avoided Amon’s control by using software firewalls. As a side ability, they can free enslaved protoss by injecting them with an anti-virus software patch.

With an Overmind commander, maybe their special tech buildings could be cerebrates. Each cerebrate would have a special ability like summoning a resurrecting torasque, invulnerable sunken colonies, direct combat, or whatever other special abilities you could care to imagine. In term of lore, maybe the Overmind upgraded its cerebrates with xel’naga essence so that they are no longer subject to Amon.

Maybe a xel’naga commander? His units include hybrids and stuff, I guess.

At this point I don’t think anything is off the table.

I just got done with a conversation with someone (his screen name was “Loken”. So, credit to him); and we got talking about the “War Council” idea for Rohana.

We think that Rohana could gain a bonus if the choices of units all come from the same faction. (Mastery could increase the % of the bonus):

These could change but here is the idea:
All Templar: increase to shields
All Nerazim: increase to attack
All Purifier: increase to armor
All Tal’darim: increase to attack speed

However, I thought what if there was a split? (the % wouldn’t be as high but could get helpful bonuses)
Templar/Nerazim Split: increase shields and attack
Nerazim/Purifier Split: increase attack and armor
Purifier/Tal’darim Split: increase armor and attack speed
Templar/Purifier Split: increase shield and armor
Templar/Tal’darim Split: increase shields and attack speed
Nerazim/Ta’darim Split: increase attack and attack speed
Full Daelaam could give a slight bonus at all stats.

I think you get the idea. What do you think?

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I would love to see the overmind but not as a normal race.

I thougt of something like a mix of stukov and karax. so the overmind builds buldings and from this buldings some zerg will spawn and attack automatically. like infested terran from stukov. no drones or anything else, the overmind has to use tangles on the geysirs and mineralpatches. what do you think about such an commander?

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I’m hoping that we get a new Commander is April. It doesn’t seem like it’ll be this month. :anguished:

Would be funny if Blizzard faked a commander as April fools Joke hahaha.

I think we deserve another Infested commander.

The only other character that can think of who could be an Infested Commander would be Hanson. I do NOT want Hanson Infested.

Alternate universe like Z or Tychus.

this is a good time to sell digital merchandice. the corona virus forces more people to sit home, meaning that more people can play.

Dear introverts, please stop gaming and check on your extravert friends, they are not okay.
(Also call your grannies!)

#stay at home. (Except when you’re doing #crucial work, then stay safe!)

Also bad timing for an infested commander, just give us The Golden Armada and or Tal’Darim fleed


She can be infested, only HALF of the time

I do NOT want her to be Infested for ANY amount of time!