Terran have too much D-Tier units

This post is not a whine about X or Y race.
I just want create new meta and new build orders for terrans because they don’t have lot of choice actually.

So these units should be up or rework because they are D tier units and we see them in only 1 or 2 rare scenarios.

Reaper : a scouting tool but a useless unit. If you want to dedicate reaper to scoot you should up his hp and / or speed and maybe nerf his damage.

Banshee : She really need a up and in compensation it would be necessary to nerf Battlecruiser (TJ in cooldown when BC appear on the battleground) because actually every terrans prefer build a BC than a banshee and she is not doing her job well

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Idk about you, but cyclone/hellion attack and kite is pretty good. Transition into a siege tank group, siege up on em and their pretty screwed. Also, in your title you say too many D tier units. You only mentioned 3, one of which is just a scout unit and was only intended for scouting and you dont need to rework it just because you think he looks cool. Banshee are scary when opponents dont have detection and are quite good for run bys if enemy doesnt have towers up. But as a zerg please nerf battlecruisers, go for it. I would not mind that one.

Cyclone is Marine of Mech. Its great until you make one mistake and your army is gone. Then, unlike marines, you are hardly going to remax on spot.


That is the case with all of Protoss units, the only races that can afford to make mistakes are Zergs and Terran MMM, the Cyclone is balanced.

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Dude… I play Protoss… Its the most forgiving race with your army…


Isn’t that funny coming from the most biased Terran on the forum?


This is true, but it’s still good. And a unit that’s in a good spot.


Dude, come on. You’re a Terran. You pull for Terran. So do I, but make sure you’re emphasizing that you off race as Protoss.

Also, Protoss is only forgiving in that you can lose a lot of Charge Zealots.


i think its more that the other races have OP macro (protoss) or OP lategame spellcasters (zerg)

Terran is the whipping boy of this game

Gold league meta isnt everyone’s meta

Banshee: used in TvX for harass and Hypermech in TvP
Cyclone: ever heard of Battlemech . . .?

I’m master 1 Eu and you have private profile. Who is the Gold ?
No banshee suck hard.
Cyclone have just a bad design but battlemech is not super good.

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Watch some TY

He will enlighten you

I never said I was good at the game, the gold league meta thing was a “use your brain” type of phrase not a ur bad thing

Reaper is the worst scoot unit of this game. Don’t fly, too fragile, 0 damage and too slow. = it’s a D-tier unit.

Lol, opponents dont have detection in maybe 1% of all games i played. And banshee are too easy to scoot.

Edit : I will delete cyclone from my list, everyone speak about this unit and not about most importante trash units from terran : Banshee and Reaper.

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I play all 3 races. D1 T, D2 P, P1 Z currently. I have 3 years of exp with T, 1 year with P and 1 month with Z.

Protoss army is a sponge. If its out of position, you can evacuate using recall. Spellcasters can create no-mans land with single spell. Its also second fastest army.

Zerg is fastest, units are extremely one dimensional, Zerg can lose whole army and be maxed in half a minute and he often does, because most units have clear counter enemy should go for. Its often worth to attack into superior army just because you have easier bases and can build units in droves.

Terran is all about army. Mech is the slowest army you could go for, yet extremely powerful if enemy doesnt play into its weaknesses. Bio is slow too, but can split off drops that can hit pretty fast. Unfortunately, it has 0 staying power, same as battlemech. So, as Terran, you are locked into safe static play, or mobile play thats unforgiving.

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Terran is actually doing really well right now. Quite possibly problematically well. We had our best period ever 2 periods ago. Then an average period, now a far better than average period yet again.

Some of the more extreme idiots on these forums will tell you that those are the stats that matter after 2 years of Terran being made into everybody’s girlfriend. Maybe the meta will settle and Terran will even out (as it tends to), but right now, things DO look bad.

I’ll let you guess on how zerg’s period is right now

Banshees are Reapers are perfectly fine. Just because you can’t win Blizzcon with just Reapers anymore doesn’t mean the unit is bad, and the fact that your first Banshee doesn’t instantly end the game isn’t a problem. That’s how it’s intended to be.

Zerglings would like to have a word with you.

Every time cure opened banshee vs serral he won. Every time he opened bc he lost. Do the math.

Reapers and Banshee are already OP.