Terran bio / terran bindings

Hi fellow terrans.
whatever it takes, i’ll Always be a terran player, even if times are rough for us lately.
As i bio player, mainly, i’d like to see a decent upgrade for the bio lategame.
Main problem i encounter is the multiple bindings you need as a bio player, will it be for MMM, ghosts, mines/liberators, vikings, drops, since only bio doesn’t seem to be efficient enough.

-I’d like to see ghosts with stim so ghosts and bio can be grouped up without tabing, as i think we already need a ton of apm to deal with banes, collosi or whatever

-TvT mid to late game is still boring

-Other things regarding zerg, is the absolute stupidity of the yonk ability of the viper. just think a second about the scale and a viper abducting a BC, i mean, wtf?

Maybe the forthcoming patch will help us a bit, but there’s still work to be done i feel.

We’ll see :wink:

Using ghosts is easier if you hotkey them seperately.

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Terran is just mechanicly harder than the other races and that is something we must accept and live with.

You can always play mech in all matchups up untill at least high-mid master (maybne higher) and be fine and its alot easier than bio in every regards so that might be the better aproach for you.