Swarm host no aa?

weird that swarm host viper and infestor dont have an aa,

especially that infested terran is gone

i guess its because neural and abduct are really good right haha :hamburger: :crocodile: :alligator: :infestor:

Abduct is insanely good; that unit alone has answered the zerg’s cry against turtle tank/terran playstyle for decades since Sc1.

You have no idea the rush of endorphins I get when I yank a players tanks away from them and delete them.

You have no idea. I had suffered through tanks for ages (granted Dark Swarm was amazing against it too ) It went from feeling like you have literally no control over what happens, to being able to give an answer and turn the tides with micro.

They have amazing abilities why give them aa attack their spells are useful than atttacking just be aware where your spellcaster is on trouble

rogue vs trap game 3 gsl season 3 finals