Suggestions for this game Raynor P3 set up?

Wondering what the pros would do in this set up…

Raynor P3. Talent Lv14 (so no masteries, nor lv15 talent… Mercenary Munitions - Increases the attack speed of Raynor’s combat units and calldowns by 15%.)

Brutal on Mist Opportunities vs. Goons, HT, Archon, Reaver, Arbiter. By the 2nd bot wave, A LOT of zealots, Goons, and some Reavers. 3rd wave would have 3 dozen+ Goons.

Not a Raynor player. Three quick questions though.

  1. Did you keep the Hyperion moving for the massive damage increase?
  2. Did you use its point defence drones to nerf those Dragoons into oblivion?
  3. Did you spawn camp with spider mines?

So that’s the one comp that will give you a lot of issues if you went for Air Mech as Raynor (especially when it’s very tempting as P3).

I would personally switched (or gone straight) into Bio. I know it sounds ‘difficult’ but if your build order was correct, this shouldn’t be an issue. (ie. 3 CC => Start SCVs => 1st OC => 4th CC => 2nd OC => 5th CC => into mass bio… this should net you into a 10min bio ball). So what to do before 10min? Well, prior to 7min, you’ll be covering all of your things with Dusk Wings, then followed by Hyperion.

  • Do not over-extend by simultaneously casting these, as you’ll need them for this coverage (unless you can see your ally is competent enough to cover you).

Prior to the 3rd wave of bots, you should be perfectly fine with the 2nd set of Dusk Wings + your still-ramping-bio-ball. And by the 3rd wave of bots, you’ll already have hit the critical mark and nullify this problem entirely.

While bio isn’t a great counter to HT or Reaver, the vast majority of this comp is actually gate units. The number of Dragoons get scary fast, which is the highest DPS portion. Raynor has next to little that doesn’t have an ‘armor tag’. So any mech will be hard countered while Marauder and Firebats are similarly at a disadvantage, it will equally be dealing that damage back against Dragoons and Zealots respectively. Added in with your Marines and Medics, this is your only way out easily.

Last note, Storms are obviously an issue but you can’t avoid it regardless. It’s just a better solution in a generally worst case situation.

Outside of this, your only real hope is having the same build order (presented above) and collect/pool your BCs. Minimize your damage for up to 15min. However, this strategy is a bit more risky in that:

  1. You have no real counter against Zealots, which if your ally is incompetent at all will insta-destroy bots.
  2. You’re at a higher risk of losing them, thus losing the fast calldowns.
  3. Even if you’re doing the upkeep on your ramping-BCs, your calldown usage has to be on point. This is one comp that will kill Hyperion easily.

So mass BCs work but it is harder to use.

I would not play P3 before lvl 15 in the first place.
If already there - would try to start with banshees with AOE upgrade for 2nd bot wave and switch to BCs for 3rd bot wave. But still probably died without at least mildly competent ally.

Not a Raynor player here but just fired up a test map, and the Hyperion seems able to clear an endgame 7/7 wave of this composition by itself. Adding on some Hybrid might turn the tide, but that doesn’t seem like a bad showing. Is killing the Hyperion easily based on not using point defence drones?

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Yeah, going air relies heavily on Hyperion to clear.

For a less experienced player, misplay of Hyperion by diving too deep (or not using Point Defense or not moving) severely reduce their winning chances.

As fast as Hyperion come in P3, he has no mastery nor is he going to be maxed around 3rd wave of bots. It’s the most dangerous time.

Not having mastery points is tough for this comp but my best advice for you are the following.

Amon’s Dragoons and Goliaths have very strong anti-air. I mostly go mass BCs with Raynor P3. Target your Yamatos on Amon’s dragoons / goliaths (even though it’s overkill), especially the one on the Hyperion. Find where all the dragoons are lump together and fire at it. When the dragoons / goliaths are taken care of you can pick off the rest, zealots, reavers, etc. Don’t forget BCs can fire while moving.

Also have your Hyperion leave the point defense drones over where the bots are harvesting and engage the enemies close to those point defense drones. This will block some of the incoming fire.