Stetmann prestige points "reduce upgrade cost" not working

Hi there,

I have Raynor & Stetmann at lv15 and I’m over lv90 prestige. Both commanders have the prestige points to reduce upgrade cost. 30 points in to them reduce the upgrade cost with 60%.

With Raynor everything is reduced: the atk, def & range upgrades, the upgrades at the add-ons for the barracks, airport and warfactory. Don’t know the original cost, but the I buy the upgrades for the marines and medics under the 50/50 with 30 points in to “reduce upgrade cost” with Raynor.

With Stetmann, only the atk, def & range upgrades are reduced. The upgrades in the spawningpool and the Hydralisk den are not effected and are still 100/100 and should be 40/40?

Did I miss something in an older patchnote or something?
Can someone confirm that the “reduce upgrade cost” is still effecting everything for Raynor (and not for Stetmann)?
Or am I the only one with this bug?

Help would be appreciated, many thanks in advance :slight_smile:

For Raynor, it uses the word “research”, while for Stetmann, it uses the word “upgrade”.
The difference is far from obvious, but it is meant to exist.

It was always like that. So probably intended behaviour, not a bug.

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