Scvs construction issues

Hi, This is my first post, I have been playing terran for a while, and I just wanna ask, why is it necessary that the SCV stays near the building while building it(also moving around it randomly), I feel like the enemy can get a huge advantage by poking it, and to respond to an enemy worker attacking yours, is to send a second one to poke it back, pulling an SCV to make buildings already puts you slightly behind, but taking two to defend one another-isnt that just…unfair?, as I said, this isnt a whine/complaint, I just wanna know how is it…balanced out?

real men play from behind


I believe that the balance is supposed to come from the repair mechanic. Terrain buildings are easily fixed, and have (theoretically) near-infinite health if managed properly.

There have also been several patches recently which nerf harassment units which usually attack SCV’s (oracles, specifically)

Oh, fair enough, thanks for the reply!

Since SC1 was out it has always been so. I think the main reason is proxy. Zerg have to build on creep, protoss need a pylon first, so this is the trade-off for Terrans. Of course this can be exploited by the other races, but micro and mules should help you to compensate for that.

Ah yeah, good point, thanks