Scanning game files

Now every time i launch bnet app there is this 20min thing?
Is that now real?

It was happening to me as well. Not anymore now.

This is a known issue. We have a main thread for this issue here:

There was a hotfix pushed yesterday, but we are still seeing reports consistent after the fix was pushed. We recommend to try the following to see if it may help:

  • If this happens to all games, try an alternative connection or VPN
    Some of the errors have been related to connection, so if possible this step is strongly recommended to help narrow down the issue.

If you are experiencing issues with just one game, the following should help:

If the problem continues, please refer to the forum thread linked above so we can continue the discussion there!

i didnt try any of these methods but i no longer has the problem.

Thanks for the update, domibw1! The hotfix probably helped out in this situation. If the problem comes back, feel free to give those a try!