SC2 crashes everytime after start

Hey, sadly iam unable to load into Sc2. After 1 or 2 seconds it says Fatal error occurs and the game crash. I already tried:

  • window mode
  • 32/64 bit version
  • resinstalled sc2
  • reinstalled battle net launcher
  • reset in game options
  • scan and repair
    -restart and updates
    Also updated graphic driver
    I’m using Windows 11 on a freshly installed Version.
    Fatal error code

Make sure that OneDrive is not sync’ing the Documents folder, or at the very least not sync’ing the Starcraft II folder inside it.

Uninstalling OneDrive won’t work by itself. You have to manually set it to not sync either of those locations.

hey, thank you for your reply!
i tested it but sadly it didnt help

new fatal errror code

Those codes are log report IDs. Only Bliz support can do anything with them.

You would need to submit a support ticket, with the code included, to have Bliz look into it.

yes i know, iam also already in touch with blizzard support, so far nothing helped

Have you installed DirectX? If not, download and install DirectX End-User Runtime (June 2010) from Microsoft’s site. as well as Microsoft C++ Redistributables.