Same Commander in Coop

I was rolling a random character and map on Brutal, and I was given Tychus on Part and Parcel. However, my partner was also given Tychus. Soon into the game we found out the game really just couldn’t handle two Tychus players. I was the only one of us that could build any of the hero units and was stuck with the 5 hero limit, his Tychus was the only one that could use his grenade ability, I believe he lacked the option to build and/or use the medivac ability, and when my Tychus was killed and I went to revive him, the moment I clicked to rebuild him, the game froze and I eventually had to just leave. Other than that, the game ran fine and we made decent progress before the game just froze.

Hey SpiffCat,

I have a different problem with a coop mission and I was playing a level called am on or something on casual mode and me and my parter suddenly turned mission failed. We were just playing about 5 minutes into it.

Walter Chow