Rapid fire is a joke

And needs to be removed from the game. It is beyond me how any of you nincompoops could think to yourself you’re doing something smart or intelligent.


It is smart, because using Rapid Fire removes an obstacle and Blizzard lets them get away with it because it stops them making any meaningful balance or design changes.

Rapid Fire, last I heard, was actually why Ghost’s snipe was nerfed. When people could only click the buttons so fast, 45 instant damage was balanced. But when you remove the button clicks that balanced that damage with Rapid Fire, it easily becomes broken because it turns into a 45 instant damage with some time between shots into 45 instant shots with no “cooldown” between shots.

Anyway, alcohol aside, the point is that rapid fire took decent-to-good design/balance choices and ruined them because the team didn’t want to put a cooldown or something to get rid of rapid fire.

So Snipe got nerfed because Rapid Fire is in the game until the recent iteration of it became a pretty powerful delayed attack which takes little effort to use in mass because of rapid fire; Abduct can pull multiple units in the same frame, Force Fields can be placed pretty quickly, Warp-In can warp a huge number of units inhumanly fast which probably affects Prism harass, creep spread is nearly effortless because you can just hold the tumor hotkey and mass spread numerous tumors.

A lot is kinda screwed because of this exploit. I’m pretty sure there are plenty of things in this game that would improve if the balance team would remove any semblance of Rapid Fire. Either by putting a cooldown on all the abilities or adjusting the system to remove it. I imagine the former (cooldown on all abilities) would be easier.

Edit: I wouldn’t be surprised if Rapid Fire is responsible for some of the balance/design issues we have today. Seeing how well a game works(in the sense that if there is an exploit like Rapid Fire) can affect how it is meant to be played. So working around a flaw in the game’s engine instead of addressing it is probably causing a lot of problems.


rapid fire is part of the reason PvT is so dumb at times.


I believe Rapid Fire is why a lot of things are dumb at times in this game. It’s a issue with the game program itself that pushed the balance team to make changes around it.

Rapid Fire doesn’t really add anything to the game besides make things easier than they should be. So things that could be a good design or have good balance is ruined or damaged because it can be exploited to act faster than it is designed to.

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I think so. The game is too hard to balance, how stupid game engine!
I hate balance, don’t talk it with me anymore. Emmmm, nice campaign, I want to play more co-op mission as Mengsk. Becuase it’s really cool. The ghost of mengsk give me more choice. More good handling experience. See you later~ I’m here, your protoss. Xel’naga~

Rapid fire is definitely something Blizzard should have patched ages ago. It definitely feels like cheating.


I still don’t know why they don’t try Starcraft 3. New engine. New story. Damn investment income!
They can’t. The stupid engine can’t create a good balance. Simple numerical adjustment is not suited to RTS. They need a new game engine include:
1.Visual mathematical analysis.
2.Deep Mathematical model.
Easier to understand, to create.
I’m pretty sure who design the engine doesn’t get the middle school degree and bad in math. Because if you start to consider RTS mathematical model, you will fall into despair. There is little choice, even no choices sometimes.

Hey! dudes! Did you like to make only one kind of unit to win in an RTS game? Did you want to try one strategy to win again and again?
Phoenix in PVP can achieve your dream. Roaches or marines can achieve your dream too.

If you don’t trust me. Play more co-op missions. You will find it’s interesting after you forget balance. The engine is suited to design single-game, not an RTS PVP.


Did you think Xel’naga can make a three-dimensional function like this in starcraft 2?
X= protoss main force army DPS.
Y= zerg main force army DPS.
Z= terran main force army DPS.

and X,Y,Z may be three composite function.
such as:
X= hight templar storm DPS(α)+Stalker DPS(δ)+Immortal DPS(β)+…
Stalker DPS(δ)= Transport planes healthy (γ)+Marine health(μ)+…
Stalker healthy= Marauders DPS(Σ)+Marine dps
That’s just a simple model. There’s actually more to think about
You just need to draw a ball,
Make the final values of all functions equal in the same time. It’s first step balance.

But they can’t. They can’t draw a ball in Starcraft 2 engine. Becuase the designer of engine doesn’t get middle school degree.
You only can do: 1+1=2 3+4=7 in starcraft 2 engine.
Three race, many unit! Every unit is a composite function! Did you think 1+1=2 will solve it? No, impossible. It’s not for RTS. Trash engine.

What about Time Costs? Why not chose Multi-dimensional function?

I’m pretty sure the designer of engine doesn’t know the earth is round. He doesn’t know anything about riemannian geometr. He just know Euclid.

Dude, the earth is round! You must consider the balance by riemannian geometr,not euclid geometr.

Balance team work:
Prove the fifth postulate is truth in real life.
Did you think it’s possible? No, it’s false. Because the earth is round.

And balance team try to prove the earth is not round…Ah…My gosh!!! My gosh!!!

Come on balance it, if anyone think you can do better than balance team ,draw a ball in Euclid geometr.

You only can find one unit vaules when you open ‘Data’, If you change one kind of vaules, all units vaules will change. It’s easier to balance in first step balance. You can’t consider balance by Euclidean geometry not Non-Euclidean geometry. Multi-dimensional function is necessary for RTS( I think).

What about like this:

Easier( I think).

When you try to make all units mathmatical model and try to balance, you will find that you fall into despair.
Becuase the work…the work is too much…impossbile. So, make Multi-dimensional function in Starcraft 3 editor. It will be better.
first step, define one kind of unit counter one kind of unit in three different race is good for balance.
And then, try make another function. It’s a mapping of this function( New unit born) More functions, more units. Nice.
The start is false.

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Just Suggestions. I still think Blizzard did well. They try again and again. And I still enjoy this game. Nice work. Dudes!
Emmmmm, Matlab is a good tool.Perhaps?

Could you explain that?, usually in pvt rapid fire is only used in warp ins, not a big deal and no game breaking in any way.Any other rapid fire moments that could make pvt dumb?


Lol rapid fire work on cast abillity like sentry shield of forcefield still idk how he gonna blame pvt cause you can rapid cast mass storm if no ghost there 1 emp no storm so in the end it not protoss problem if he meet mmm without 1 ghost

Where pvt start be dumb? Protoss can rapid cast abillity terran too whats your problem? storm range 9 emp 11 you simply can cast without lost

When rapid fire was discovered,someone tried to use it withtoss spells and it went bad because overlapping,it was a waste of energy,so at the end,it was only used to warp units.I think there was dome trick with rapid fire and attack command with phoenixes,but it got nerfed. I guess you can use rapid fire with current graviton,but still,it does not look dumb or broken. Dumb and broken was releasing 100 infested terran in less than one second.


Graviton was cast so yes cast infest terran too was spell it work bough way as warp as cast as order larva as order rax army

there’s nothing stopping you from doing it so what are you whining about??

the issue I have with rapid fire is that it isn’t standard. someone who uses rapid fire has a clear advantage over someone who does not use rapid fire. if it was standard across the board, then it should automatically be implemented into the game.

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You didn’t like the riveting gameplay of the brofestor hitsquad?


Because Rapid Fire makes certain things better than they are meant to be by trivializing the process of using them.

So design/balance could be better if an exploit didn’t influence bad outcomes.

? im confused as to why theres anything wrong with rapid fire, removing it will make some parts of the game a spamming competition. can you bring up a few points as to why its stupid?

Removing it would be a huge nerf to ghosts and liberators, i think a better argument you could have made would be to make it default. And honestly i think making it defualt makes sense. not going to lie though rapid fire liberators mules yamato cannons and ghosts snipe feel satisfying i would be sad if they removed it.

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Yeah you’re definitely not seeing what the problem here is.

Player A uses rapid fire
Player B doesn’t use rapid fire ( doesnt know about it )

This situation creates a huge advantage for player A because he’s able to macro at in-humane speeds, while player B is stuck with bad warp-ins.

Contrary to popular belief the vast majority of people who play this game do not read the forums, watch stream, or anything of that nature.

Allowing players to have a clear advantage like that breaks the game, so if they don’t implement it, then it should be removed in its entirety.