Protoss Nerf Next Patch?

People in China are discussing the next patch will nerf the protoss somehow. Maybe reduce the range of warp prism or reduce the charging speed of shield battery. Is protoss really overpowered at this moment? (Blizzard give the mothership core back please!)

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No, on the contrary, the Protoss is underpowered (there is no unit that has not suffered nerffs those last years with few exceptions). The problem is that when you continually nerff units and abilities without outright killing the race, the players begin using more the brain and adapt faster.
So, protoss race is underpowered but protoss-players are heavily overpowered (out of necessity for survival), the result is not nice to see for Terran/Zerg whiners and MoronTeam that caused this mess…

If you use antibiotics (nerffs) with and without cause, sooner or latter the bugs (protoss-players) develop clever ways to gain immunity…


Terran wins GSL all the time. Zerg wins other tournaments like WCS. The weakest race hasn’t won anything in a while. Buff protoss!


I hope zealots will be nerfed. Because it is ridiculous that most of Protoss use the same zealots archons immortals in all matches. It is so booooring. How can you do the same F2 sh!t all time? Jesus!
If i would master this type of play, i would have more that 4322MMR. But i’m here to have fun.


So, the game must be patched not only because of feelings and sensations (note that there is nothing objective in those sentiments) as stated the MoronTeam but the “boring” category must be added (courtesy of the 15 times GSL finalist…Mastermind).

Now what would happen if Medevacs, WM and Liberators were to be clasified as boring?
Shall we remove them please? Or, Vipers, Infestors and Banelings?


Its the Terran whiners.

They somehow got someone to listen and bio is getting a buff when it doesnt need it.

bigger Emp radius upgrade .

quicker stim. ghosts have always been better vs temps? snipe range outranged feedback last i checked.

Like Artosis said everyone hates protoss .


The only thing I am concerned with is the zealot nerf and EMP Buff. Lategame PvT is already extremely difficult with EMP blanketing a complete protoss Army. In Lategame PvT protoss has to stay home or make forward batteries and cannons in order to not die to emp and stim bio. As for the zealot nerf, I know they are doing it because of PvZ but in PvT in chargelot heavy styles that plus attack from charge is all the zealots are gonna get because you get armor when playing heavy chargelot. I have already encountered games where the zealots do not have enough damage to handle the terran. This nerf I feel is going to reduce the usage of heavy zealot play and force players to play only robo which was my concern with the old prism nerf. In addition to that, Protoss will have to find someway to feel safe in order to get that double forge for zealots to be useful, and with the stim change, I feel there is no way to go double forge in PvT. The only option there will be is to 1 forge, with 1 colossus because you have to get a prism in order to deal with a Raven opening.

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This balance team is so bad.
basically there’s no unit in robo could beat any unit comes out from the factory, now zealots can’t do much against mass mechanical army of terran, plus EMP will wipe out this buffer so fast, I believe there will be a lot of disgusting long mechanical games emerge.
This only makes simply pure bad experience for people who play protoss.
I don’t remember any of this kind of prolonged game in the earlier patches when the win rate status had not any bias. This made me wonder why the hell they wanted to change these things.

Well, is Blizzard deliberately asking people not to play protoss anymore?


Well, like it or not, zealots really be nerfed. So my point wasn’t bad after all.

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Wish balance team would Buff 1 unit/Nerf 1 unit for each race every balance patch. They sent toss back to the stone age but we keep adapting lol.


I really wish Blizzard could give carriers a buff, possibly the repair drones? haha

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Protoss shouldn’t be able to repair HP in multiplayer games. It’s one of the race’s defining characteristics (not that others haven’t been ignored a little - ahem Zerg). But repair drones would be OP as Hell in general. I do agree they need a buff though. They feel weak - and look weak in televised pro matches - compared to their T3 counterparts.