Possible bugs in ladder games

Hello, I’m a Korean user. I found some bugs should be fixed. I made video and image materials to explain the situations in detail, but I can’t use the link, so I’m looking for someone to help me.

I’m not good at English so I used a translator.

1. Burrow animation does not play properly if the ravager burrows immediately after using corrosive bile.

Solution: Clear the ravager’s spell animation when the ravager starts burrow.

2. If the unit affected by the anti-armor missile has a shield, hallucinations can cause damage to this unit.

Solution: Set the value of ‘not hallucination’ into the ‘impact unit validator’ of the weapon damage effects. (Probe, Zealot, Adept, Stalker, Immortal, High Templar, Archon, Void Ray, Phoenix, Colossus)

3. Lurker’s main target unit can be damaged by Lurker’s attack even though this unit is in the transport.

This is the most critical bug I think. It is a bug that must be fixed because it can affect professional gamers’ games.

Solution: Add ‘Not Hidden’ to the validators field of the Lurker MPDamage effect.

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Fix as xml:

    <CActorUnit id="Ravager">
        <On Terms="AbilMorph.*.Start; AbilKey BurrowDown" Send="AnimClear Spell"/>

I failed to recreate it.
If this happens, that means that the search effect’s includes can bypass the filters. I am not sure why the search include exists there, though.

However, adding the validator to the damage effect can’t hurt, if this bug really exists:

    <CEffectDamage id="LurkerMPDamage">
        <ValidatorArray value="NotHidden"/>

냥파이어, does this bug happen in very close range? Can you recreate the bug in a test map or do you have a video of it happening?

This solution prevents the damage, but this also prevents hallucinations from creating shield impact models via their attacks. This is most noticeable with the Zealot.

A proper fix adds a switch and 2 damage effects (2nd one with amount 0 and armor reduction 0).

This would be the fix for the Zealot:

    <CEffectDamage id="PsiBlades">
        <ValidatorArray index="0" removed="1"/>
    <CEffectDamage id="PsiBladesDamageHallucination" parent="PsiBlades">
        <ArmorReduction value="0"/>
        <Amount value="0"/>
    <CEffectCreatePersistent id="PsiBladesBurst">
        <PeriodicEffectArray index="0" value="ZealotPsiBladesHallucinationSwitch"/>
    <CEffectSwitch id="ZealotPsiBladesHallucinationSwitch">
        <ValidatorArray value="NotHidden"/>
        <CaseArray Validator="NotHallucination" Effect="PsiBlades"/>
        <CaseDefault value="PsiBladesDamageHallucination"/>

    <CActorAction id="ZealotAttack">
        <On Terms="Effect.PsiBladesDamageHallucination.Stop; FromEffectTreeDescendant" Send="ActionImpactPhysics"/>
        <On Terms="Effect.PsiBladesDamageHallucination.Start; At Caster" Send="Create"/>

FIX for all hallucinations + demo map:
I have fixed this for all units (and fixed Colossus not triggering shield impact models when attacking with friendly fire):

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