Please tweak Zerg comps

It’s obvious that Co-op is not Ladder and I understand that. But the differences and the way its balanced should come from the Commanders and nothing else.

Two requests for the Devs regarding Zerg:

  • Update Fungal Growth to the modern slow; no more stuns. They make bio disproportionately hard. It deals 30 damage on its own and then Ultras and Biles also get to bork you for free. Ladder patched this for a reason.

  • Change Blinding Cloud to no longer effectively cancel the A-move command. I’m not sure if this was always how it works, but it’s been a major pain in the rear. Targeting shouldn’t be treated any differently than if the enemy were running away. It might seem hard to differentiate from the way Storm also forces you to split, but you feel it when you deal with it.

edit to clarify the opening: I think COs should be the ones with all the mods, and Amon should have his specialized comps and extreme numbers but ONLY standard (where applicable) units.


Split your army, they can’t stun/blind everything.

I agree with changing stun to slow.


Nah, Keep it as is. There are no reason why they should nerf Infestor.
You said so yourself that this is Coop, not Ladder. It was intended for Amon army to be more unfair since they will literally throw their army into your grinder to die.

This is my biggest aggravation. I don’t mind keeping Disabling Cloud mostly the same as its campaign version, stopping spells and attacks while in the cloud, but it really, really shouldn’t outright cancel all commands currently in effect on the units within it.

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Like I said, but really for both cases and not just the first: it’s not impossible to deal with, just disproportionately ( <–key word) hard. When you have to split from either both Cloud and Banes, or all three Ultra and Bile and Fungal, it’s a hardcore mess for bio.

Also I added a note to original post on comparing the modes.

I mean… kinda. Going up a ramp vs 3-4 vipers I don’t think you’ll have a choice but to accept your whole army is getting blinding cloud-ed

The old fungal growth was hard for pros to deal with even back in WOL. What makes you think a casual co-op player can pull it off and still keep their bio intact (hint: they can’t)?

I agree with the blinding cloud not completely disabling the attack command.

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Fungal is supposed to be good; it was changed on ladder because it was too good. In Co-Op, COs get the faction mods, while Amon gets hybrids and extreme numbers. That’s always been the apparent design and Fungal is just an outlier. This is about cleanup, not being babied.

Cloud too is absolutely supposed to do what it does, but it feels like there’s an indirect frustration with it. I think some get what I meant and some might not; I admit it’s a softer issue than Fungal.

Its funny Dehaka in Massive form is stunned in Fungal Growth…